View Full Version : Pregnancy - HA symptoms returning

22-04-18, 15:26
Hi All,

I haven't posted for a long time... but here it goes,

I found out about a month ago that I'm pregnant - I will be 8 weeks tomorrow.

I've found that since finding out my HA symptoms have returned - I've been obsessively googling everything that could go wrong, and I'm stressing myself and my husband out.

We had a scare at 5 weeks with some bleeding, and have had two scans - both showing appropriate size blob of cells with heartbeat present - and have had no issues since.

However I've now moved from googling blighted ovums (where the baby never develops) to issues which can happen at 6 weeks, 7 weeks, 8 weeks etc.

My husband and I have a week off together next week and part of me really wants to get a so called "reassurance" scan privately. Deep down I know that it won't reassure me, and I'd still find something to stress about until the next scan, but at the same time I feel like I'll go insane waiting 4-5 weeks for most first proper NHS scan!

Basically I am extremely tired, feeling sick constantly, and giving in to anxiety!

Any tips from anyone very welcome, I'm lucky to be very self aware, I just struggle sometimes to break that loop when I'm worn out.

22-04-18, 15:37
It's natural to worry a little after getting a scare, but for people with health anxiety, the pregnancy can be a very anxious time.
I've never been pregnant so don't have any first hand symptoms specific for this, but I think a good idea when you start spiralling is to stop googling at all costs (because Google always tells you the worst case scenario, and it makes you think you have these symptoms) and ask yourself "Is what I'm thinking logical and likely, or is it just my health anxiety?" This often brings me back down to reality. You could also ask your NHS Nurse if there's any counselling or support groups for soon-to-be mums, you won't be the only one with health anxiety and there may be help available for you.
Other than that, try to stay occupied and focus on all the enjoyable things about pregnancy, and have a good week off with your husband! Of course, if there's any reason for concern it's a good idea to get checked out, so if you do think there's legitimate worry get to a doctor and speak to your husband!

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