View Full Version : Fainting

17-07-07, 10:58
I have read that you can't faint with anxiety but yesterday I did faint. I know you can faint if you have blood phobia (which I also have), so I did recognise the symptoms and got to lie down before falling and hitting myself.

I was sweating and nauseous with very low pulse rate when I was aware enough to take it, but unable to count it. I was actually outside in the shops, having a nice time, not anxious (unusually for me, because that if you had asked me two months ago - I would definitely be having panic attacks in this situation - I have medication to thank for starting to give me a life back, I think). so why did this happen? any blokes reading, avoid reading this bit... it was time of month and felt a bit crampy but is that enough to cause you to pass out. I wasn't aware of any of my usual palpitations at the time I began to faint.

anyway, should I be worried? Has anyone else had unexplained fainting due to anxiety? I want to be able to put it down to anxiety. But on the other hand, I have felt dizzy and likely to faint for months, and my fear was that I would faint. Then I get rid of this feeling, and I faint. What is that all about?

Please help - i am absolutely going round the twist on this one.

17-07-07, 13:31
Hi beadbabe, sorry to hear about your fainting spell. I think it's true that you aren't likely to faint when you panic as your BP rises when you panic, whereas it falls when you faint. However it's possible that something else caused you to faint. I know that I've come very close to fainting when I've had a virus, even one time when I didn't even feel ill I nearly fainted and when I called the Dr out she took my BP and it was very low and she thought perhaps it was something viral.

Another possibility is low blood sugar which can make you feel faint too. If you were already feeling below par with your period due then something like that could perhaps be the cause. I hope you feel better soon.

17-07-07, 14:05
Hi there,

Sorry to hear how you are feeling hun,

I don't know if I had the same thing. I have always put my problem down to anxiety.

I can't say I feel dizzy when this happens. I have had the dizzy heads but this is something different.

It happend just last week.
I felt sweaty and nausea, but did NOT feel hot to the touch. I felt an overwhelmeing feeling to lay down, if I did not, I new I would fall down, (faint,) well, I thought I would, so I never gave it the chance. I found the nearest settie an lay on it. I was in the musem at the time, with mum and my son.

I have had this feeling before, I have never past out, but feel, that if I can't lay down straight away, I would pass out. I have always been able to lay down this solves the problem, so this is why I put it down to anxiety, all though, I was having a good day the last time this happened.

Now, because it happend again the other day, I am looking into things more for myself and thinking, it maybe more on the lines of eating the right foods, or should I say, me not eating the right foods and far to many cigs, (packed them in, ohhh 7 days now LOL) I have always had low blood presure, so this maybe the problem for me, mixed with not eating the right foods, or not enough food. So for me, I'm at the start of changing eating habbits, soo I will see how that goes.

This problem does not happen alot for me,just now and again, mmm very strange, but noticed there are 3 things that may trigger it, but yet again, not always, yes, very strange.

1 periods.
2 alchahol.
3, when I feel my anxiety levels that day, are a little highter than normal.

So I'm hoping by chaging my eataing habbits it may help stop this all together.

I do hope you feel better soon, but remember, if you are very concerned Please pop along to your gp, peace of mind goes along way.



17-07-07, 17:11
Hi Bead

Its very very rare to faint while having a panic attack. in all the years i have suffered with panic its never caused me to faint altough many times i thought i was going to.:ohmy:

I have a phobia of needles and blood, and the only times i have passed out is when been at the dentist and when i once cut myself, i think its because my blood pressure drops, but i wasnt panicking as such.


21-07-07, 06:40
Not sure why you fainted I'm afraid, could be low blood sugar as has been mentioned. The closest I came to fainting was early on in my panic attacks, everything went dark and spotty. Luckily I was sitting down. However if I have a PA I often feel as though I'm going to faint, which make me panic more!