View Full Version : Please help constant periods of exhaustion

22-04-18, 18:09
So, firstly I'm not the best sleeper in the world but lately I get these days were I can't keep my eyes opened at all. I've had this a few days in a row now, even tho it slept well enough during the night. It's like, my eyes suddenly close before me really knowing and I start to drift to asleep before snapping awake. There's like a heavy tiredness in my body and my eyes? Like it could last all day, a few hours a day in different installments.

Like I did get told I have low iron and vitamin b12 before but in my last blood test they were high again? I'm and so on a light dose of vitamin 12 always. These feeling just makes my worries of cancer (constant pain in collarbone that feel bump and I'm not sure if there is lumps in that area as well as my neck or if they have always Ben there and I'm just imagining it) /heart issues etc worse constantly. It's almost like a light dizziness at times.

23-04-18, 01:34
I feel the exact same way recently. I was actually nodding off in the car today.

I don’t know if this will help at all, but I know people always say that depression and/or anxiety causes either sleepiness or sleep deprivation. Have you ever experienced this kind of exhaustion before? Especially after a stress-inducing or anxiety ridden day?

Also, for the concerns with the lumps you’ve found, have you reached out to go to a doctor for a well check-up?

Hoping to help you!
Best wishes.

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23-04-18, 06:22
I have had unexplained periods of complete exhaustion and the need to sleep despite having a full nights rest. Truth of the matter was that I was not getting proper Delta sleep due stress and me worrying about it while it was happening only intensified that. Cancer in the collarbone is unusual. There are lymph nodes around the collar bone as well as chest bones which seem bumpy. It could also be a cyst, spasm, knot, even a fatty deposit. I wouldn't try and tie symptoms together like that cause they are unlikely related. If you had cancer related fatigue, you would also notice extreme weakness and large weight fluctuations....you are fine. I would try and youtube some soothing sounds before bed, and just ride it out. It will resolve itself.