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View Full Version : Sore tongue, worried about oral cancer

22-04-18, 18:38
Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone has had the same problem as me. For the last couple of weeks I've had a very sore tongue all down the left side and on the tip, when I look at it it looks swollen and red and there are clusters of what looks like swollen taste buds and some ulcerated looking areas. Of course I'm really worried about oral cancer even though I'm 26 and don't smoke or drink - I know it's unlikely but you know what HA does to the mind!

I have always had a problem with grinding and clenching my teeth particularly when I'm stressed which I am very much at the moment. Also my teeth on that side are quite wonky and the sore parts of my tongue are constantly touching/rubbing on my teeth meaning that my tongue never gets a rest apart from when I put my mouthguard in and then it magically feels a bit better. Also I've got a wisdom tooth coming through on that side so I don't know if that's contributing!

I've been to the doctor about it and she hardly looked in my mouth and brushed it off and said to come back if it's not getting better, which it's not, but I'm going to go to the dentist this time instead. I've been doing all the things like rinsing with salt water and wearing my mouthguard but it's still not healing and I'm really worried. I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance and if anyone else has had similar experiences?

22-04-18, 18:50
You have the reason in your post.

"I have always had a problem with grinding and clenching my teeth particularly when I'm stressed which I am very much at the moment. Also my teeth on that side are quite wonky and the sore parts of my tongue are constantly touching/rubbing on my teeth meaning that my tongue never gets a rest apart from when I put my mouthguard in and then it magically feels a bit better."

It's not magic, it's reality ;) I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor, nothing you posted remotely indicates an issue.

Positive thoughts

23-04-18, 11:03
Thanks Fishmanpa. I guess what I mean is that when I put my mouth guard in it feels better because my teeth are no longer touching my tongue and irritating it, not because the sores are gone. As soon as I take my mouth guard out it hurts again. I've booked to see my dentist tomorrow, hopefully she won't give me bad news. It's weird but eating and brushing my teeth relieves it?!