View Full Version : Lump on chest

23-04-18, 06:42
About two months ago, I randomly felt a small lump on my chest (in the rib area). It's pretty small and not visible, but definitely can be felt. Not that soft, but very mobile and just under the skin surface. I don't think it's grown since.

I visited two doctors. The first one felt it, acknowledged it, and then said it was nothing. It was too small to cause concern and nothing I needed to do.

The second doctor felt it and said he was 95% sure it was a harmless lipoma. Just to be sure, he sent me for an ultrasound.

At this point I was pretty relaxed about the whole thing. The ultrasound tech told me he didn't know what it was, but it was benign and the report would be at with my doctor in a few days after the radiologist writes it up. Great, I thought.

During the follow up visit at my doctors, he reads the report out to me and it pretty much says just the size (less than a cm), well defined and a couple other things I don't remember. But in the very last sentence, the radiologist writes something along the lines of: Cannot confirm what this is, patient should either surgically remove lump or get an MRI to rule out Sarcoma.

I agree to get the MRI, knowing it takes 6-12 months to get one done if not paying out of pocket. I get a call saying I have an MRI appointment in 7 days. This spooked me, as I know for a fact you can not get an MRI that fast where I live. Now I wonder if there was something in the report that was a red flag.

Have any of you gone to see a doctor for a lump and have the investigation get this far? If so, what was the size of your lump? I have a feeling my healthcare providers now are not going to stop until this thing is removed and biopsied. Part of me thinks I should have stopped after seeing the first doctor, but part of me feels I should be grateful that I'm getting all this testing to rule out anything serious.

23-04-18, 16:58
Don't read too much into this. Tests have come a long ways now in the US. I used to wait weeks for an MRI, now I get one the next day. I have scans scheduled for a different condition, and I always get them within a day or two.

If you read the report, then you read what they have. There is no secret file. They are just covering their butts, which is good for them and good for you.

As to a lump removed, I had a mole that went nuts. I mean, even my doctor thought there was a chance of nodular melanoma. It was a week of hell. They removed it, and it was nothing. No idea what it was to this day, the pathalogy identified it as benign, and I accepted it.

The removal of that sort of lump is not a big deal, honestly. Generally local anesthetic and they are done quickly. And even in the worst case scenario, it sounds very small, so i would think it would be easily treated at that point.

23-04-18, 18:41
6-12 months for an MRI? I'm also in the US and I've had a knee MRI and a breast MRI and I got my appointments, both, within a few days of the Dr. requesting it. I wouldn't worry about that being anything. If the Dr. and the radiologist were truly concerned they would say so. Doctors are suppose to be honest and give their opinions, its what we pay them to do. BUT on the flip side, I completely understand your anxiety, 100%. I have lymph node that is being followed on the side of my neck. I had an ultrasound back in January and the Dr. wanted me to follow up in 4 months, which is next month. Its still there, still the same, which is good but I was hoping it would just go away. I'm scared the ENT will want to biopsy it at this point because it hasn't gone away, so I understand how you feel. I'm sure everything will be just fine, I will say a prayer for you and keep us posted!! When is your MRI? I will make sure to have you in my thoughts and prayers. *hugs*

23-04-18, 19:26
Thanks for writing, it’s nice to hear from others. I’m from the US but actually live in Canada now, so MRIs take longer. That said, I guess I should expect a rapid booking if the whole purpose is to rule out sarcoma. It’s scheduled for this Friday so fingers crossed!

23-04-18, 21:10
Ohhh ok I see. I really do think you'll be fine. Keep us updated!!

27-04-18, 21:06
Just had the MRI. Uneventful, but now the wait begins for the results.

28-04-18, 12:40
Have any of you gone to see a doctor for a lump and have the investigation get this far?

I had a lipoma on my lower back for around 20 years. It was large enough that you could see it. It started causing me discomfort in 2016. I went to the doctor who ordered an ultrasound to confirm. It was pretty deep and his opinion was that it was connected to some muscle tissue and that, along with the location (sitting would always be pressing on it) was causing the discomfort.

Long story short, I had it removed the end of 2016. It was just as he said and was the size of a small egg. Been fine ever since.

Sounds like their practicing CYA (cover your arse) medicine.

Positive thoughts