View Full Version : Burning Throat-trying not to over analyze

23-04-18, 20:58
Hey All,

I am new here but I figured this seemed to help a lot of people so why not. I have been having issues with my mouth and throat for a few weeks. Mainly I have this burning sensation in my mouth which now seems to have migrated to my throat.

I smoked/chewed tobacco for 10 years (my biggest regret in life) but quit 3 years ago. I went to my doctor and he checked me out and said I looked alright. I also scheduled an appointment with my dentist to take a look. Oral and throat cancer scare the hell our of me. I have a lymphnode in my neck that has been blown up for years (soft to the touch and mobile). Throat cancer and tonsil cancer are my chief concerns. My tonsils aren't blown up at all but have some white spots on them.

Every time anything remotely strange appears in my mouth I worry myself to death with anxiety. I'm hoping someone out there has experienced some burning mouth/throat issues before and can help easy my mind.

Thanks for your support. It's so helpful to know that I'm not the only one who scares the hell out of myself from visiting Dr. Google.


23-04-18, 22:16
Hi bc171,
I am going through something similar right now.
For the past 3 weeks I had this weird sensation in my throat, on my right side. Sometimes it feel like i have something stuck in there, sometimes like that particular area is very dry, sometimes it hurts. For the past two days my tongue was burning in random places but i have no obvious sore or ulcers or weird patches. I even had ear pain at some point.
I also have a lymph node on my neck. It's movable and it feels hard.
I had an ENT look at my throat and he said it's red and i have "cobblestone throat". This means that the lymphatic tissue in my throat is irritated. It looks like bumps in the back or my throat. he also checked the lymph node.
He said i don't have cancer and he didn't seem to appreciate me googling symptoms.
Prior to going to the ENT I made the mistake of googling one sided sore throat and you can imagine what kind of result I've got. For 2 weeks i panicked over oral cancer and i drove my family and my friends nuts. They are fed up with my "nonsense".
As a hypochondriac, of course I don't believe my doctor 100%, especially because of the lymph node that he couldn't really feel.
I will have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks. My throat is a little bit better.

24-04-18, 00:46
Thanks for sharing! This does make me feel a little better. What type of treatment did your doctor prescribe? People don’t know the struggle of hypochondriacs. It’s nkce to know I’m not the only one.

24-04-18, 13:22
He gave me a coumpound to gargle with. I only did it for a couple of days but I don't think it's doing anything. I eat honey when I feel my throat really dry and it helps.
Oral cancer is one of my biggest fears lately. Now I think I found something on my tongue or my mind is playing tricks on me. I hate having HA.

24-04-18, 13:32
If you have been to an ENT, I think you should be good to go. I haven’t been to one yet. Just my primary care and my dentist. Hoping to set up an ENT appointment after I follow up with my doctor. Keep me posted on how you are feeling.

24-04-18, 13:57
What did your GP and dentist say? I will have a dentist appointment too. I will keep you updated

24-04-18, 15:29
My GP looked in my mouth and did an exam and said he didn't see anything that worried him. Actually have the dentist appointment Thursday so I am hoping for good news. I have had this burning issue before and it has gone away, but my HA always gets the best of me.

26-04-18, 13:50
Hey Neuroticat, just got back from the dentist. He said everything looked fine. Said I could go to an ENT if I wanted but he wasn’t concerned about anything. How are things on your end?

23-10-18, 00:17
Hey Neuroticat, just got back from the dentist. He said everything looked fine. Said I could go to an ENT if I wanted but he wasn’t concerned about anything. How are things on your end?

I’ve had similar