View Full Version : Please help, going to doctor tomorrow over lumpy collarbone worries

24-04-18, 17:10
So, I'm worried about seeing the doctor tomorrow. I've been driving myself insane with feeling and thinking about my collarbone/neck area. Whenever I touch mainly the left side of my collarbone there's this lumps (I won't even go into the deatils of those), its always a lot harder on that side. It jusy feels totally different and wrong.that seem to come up in new places everyday.

I know she's propbaly sick of me coming into her with new issues but I have to do something before I go crazy! My whole left upper area. Neck/collarbone/shoulder and now it feels like it's spreading to my head/brain. Like I can't even describe the pain. Sometimes it worse with movement sometimes not. I just cope anymore with this hanging over me.

24-04-18, 17:23
You met your doctor many times before and turned out nothing, so what do you expect this time is worse?
Yes people with health anxiety like me always think about the worst case scenario but you are the most self-aware person on earth! You should be on every textbook teaching people to take care of your body and go to the doctor every time they feel sick because the faster the better for treating any illness :welcome:

25-04-18, 16:54
So, I went and my doctor said she thinks it's the result of a infection of some kind. She said I didn't have any of the other factors like night sweats or weight loss without trying. I'm still going through phases of exhaustion and just feeling bad but she said that could be a million different things. So it's time to finally let this go and hope I finally just move along with my life. Life my doctor doesn't think the lumps are anything, I had a clean chest xray, clean and good blood tests. I had a CT scan in my lower half of my body and all of that was clear so it wasn't like it's spread down. My liver and Kidneys are fine.

26-04-18, 19:49
Anyone got any suggestion as to how to believe in my doctor and move on? She gave me a cream for the pain but it's not working yet. It will probably take a few days?

26-04-18, 22:42
The best thing I can recommend is stay away from google, obviously, and try to get away from the everyday grind. Go for a walk, do something to break the routine of obsessive thought. The only way I escape anxiety when it has its talons in me is to break routine.