View Full Version : Blood test any coping techniques?

24-04-18, 18:39
So I need to have a blood count done.

I've been putting it off and avoiding it for years but I know I need to have one and just need to find a way of coping from having the test to getting the results.

Basically I have no problem with the actual process of having the test it's the waiting for the results. I get hysterical at the thought of the phone ringing and the Dr telling me I've got leukemia or something dreadful.

Anyone else relate to this and if so any advice on how to deal with it.

I spoke to the GP and she said picking leukemia up on a routine blood count is extremely rare but as I'm sure some of you can relate since I found out I need to have it done I've been making all my random symptoms fit with chronic leukemia that's been undetected for years!


25-04-18, 12:52
Hi, i'm exactly the same. I haven't had a blood test for 11 years. Any medical testing tips me over the edge.

Why are you needing a blood test for?

25-04-18, 15:44
Hi Rainbow

Thanks for the reply it's good to know I'm not the only one who avoids them like the plague!

I've been suffering from bad reflux and having throat pain The GP just wanted to check I'm not bleeding as she said bad reflux can cause bleeding.

So originally she'd put lots of routine things like Liver/Kidneys/Bone all because she said the PPI's can affect these things so just checking but I had a meltdown and she just asked me to get a FBC done to check I'm not anemic.

It's so weird I said to her if I could go and have the blood test and wait for the results I'd be able to bring myself to do it but it's that awful part of going and then dreading the phone ringing for the next few days!

25-04-18, 17:52
Having the test done won’t make you anaemic. If you’re anaemic you’re anaemic whether you have it or not. Only positive things can come from knowing about it. You can have any treatment you need to make you better, otherwise nothing can be done. I totally get where your anxiety is coming from - I get anxious about test results too but I think this one is for the best. One other thought is are you likely to worry about not having had the other tests done? I know if I declined any tests I would worry like mad about the possible results that held have come out!

25-04-18, 20:47
Thanks Emc you are of course absolutely right in that having the test won't make any difference as to whether or not I have anemia.

In my mind it's the other things I worry about like Leukemia mainly.

I will have it done I just need to get my head in the right place. I spoke to the GP and she said due to my anxiety it's probably best to do the bloods step by step and she thought once I'd had one done I'd hopefully feel less anxious about getting the further tests done.

I hope she's right, I do remember having bloods done many years ago and being in this state. Thankfully they were all ok. I then fell pregnant a year or so later and had more bloods taken than I care to remember and didn't bat an eyelid.

I think it's worse because I've left it so long and that's a big part of the anxiety!

25-04-18, 21:48
I am due to go for blood test one Monday to get to the bottom of the pains, the gp I saw today says my symptoms sounds more like a vit d problem, but she says it does sound like bone cancer, did not mention things like leukemia and other cancers because my Dad went with me. I have a health condition as well

25-04-18, 22:45
I am terrified of testing of any kind. Waiting for results is the worst. So i can totally relate to what you’re going through.

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26-04-18, 16:15
Thanks guys it's nice to know I'm not alone.

So I've upped my medication today, normally I only take half the prescribed dose as most of the time I tick along but I decided to up it for a while and hope it takes the edge off and gives me the courage to go and get the test done.

Unsure_about_this so sorry you are having to go through this. In reality it's far more likely to be a vitamin D deficiency as it is so common and it is renowned for causing bone pain. I know that won't help you at the moment but hoping all goes well on Monday and looking forward to you getting a positive result!

26-04-18, 16:42
I was exactly the same a couple of months ago. I put it off for weeks then one day I just drove myself to the hospital and did it. I walked out relieved then panicked for a couple of days until my doctor gave me the all clear on results.
Good luck x

26-04-18, 21:14
Had a blood test this morning, the third one in three months. I know one was for cholesterol, which was higher than it should be. the other two are for kidneys.
Waiting on results:shrug: on pins!

27-04-18, 16:41
It's so horrible isn't it! Hope you get positive results Magic.

I just wish I could get it done and wait for the results. Not practical I know but my anxiety comes from having to wait which I know is a control thing but it just causes me a near nervous breakdown!