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View Full Version : Panic And Worried

25-04-18, 01:30
I just took my last antibiotic for my cellulitis, I do have the first script of antibiotics here. I am worried that the cellulitis is going to flare up and I am going to get sick again, I keep thinking did the second dr give me enough and a long enough time on them, I heard ten to fourteen days, today is day 13, I had one pill left of the script walk in clinic dr gave me, I keep looking at the first script, he told me to stop, and wonder if I should take that tonight and then tomorrow, I had/have a very mild case, my panic and anxiety and depression is so bad with this that I can't hardly leave my bed as I am worried it is going to flare up again and just be worse, I am taking care of my leg, putting lotion on it, keeping it elevated when I can and trying to remember to wash the skin with soap and water, I am also feeling just very tired, not sure if that is because I haven't had any caffeine and much sugar in two weeks, and or if since my time of month is a week away am I having premenstrual symptoms, I worry about diabetes and other issues I may have, I have lost 56 pounds in almost two years, I am taking it off slowly, I can't hardly eat right now as I am just so depressed and anxious, I keep reading that if you get it once you can get it again, and it's common for it to come again, I am just so tired and sick of dealing with health anxiety and anxiety and depression in general. Everytime I get a chill, I am going to worry that it is flaring back up, as that is one of the symptoms of cellulitis. I do normally get chilled on some days.