View Full Version : 2 years of anxiety - false diagnosis

16-12-04, 19:46
hi, i know im not a regular, but i always read what people have to say.
I had my blood test results a couple of weeks ago and they found that i had a chronic illness that has dogged me for two years. What the doctors have been calling anxiety, has actually been a physical illness. It took them 18 months before i was given a blood test. Most of you might think that i would be angry, but i cant believe that im gonna be given medication to take away everything, apart from the panic attacks. It just confirms that my lack of faith in the mental health section is justified

16-12-04, 20:17
oh my goodness!! That is horrible that it took them that long to realise what was really wrong. At least now you can go about getting it all sorted. It's things like this that don't really let us have much faith in the good ole NHS, huh?

Sarah :D

16-12-04, 22:00

Sorry to hear it has taken the doctors so long to reach a diagnosis. I hope you'll soon feel better once the treatment is started.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

17-12-04, 13:00

Sad:( to hear that you were given the wrong

Hope you feel better soon.
If you need any support we are all here for you.



All problems have a begining and and end!

17-12-04, 21:31
thanx people, i will find out what happens on the 22nd, so i will let you know what happens

18-12-04, 22:00

May I ask what the illness is that they thought was panic/anxiety?

Sorry it took so long to get it diagnosed but now you should at least be able to get it treated so that is great news?


22-12-04, 15:56
hi they think i might have thyroid or anemia problems. But i went to get the results today and guess what?...yep, they mucked it up so i gotta go back to get another one. My family has a family history of both these illnesses

22-12-04, 18:19
Hi Razocaine,

Everyone who has anxiety, palpitations and panics should have a screening including basic bloods tests and investigations straight away when they present to their doctors to rule out a few illnesses that minic or cause panic.

Both thyroid and anaemia would have been discovered in this initial screening plan as they are extremely common causes.

Glad its happening now for you - hope the tests go well this time.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

23-12-04, 11:34
i know, but unfortanately, the doctors never looked past the psychological problems. Anyway, i have just had another blood test and have an appointment for the 31st Dec

15-01-05, 20:58
Hi Razocaine,

How are you and how did your blood test go?

Thinking of you,


23-01-05, 22:44
hi, after my results came back, i went to see a specialist. i had alot more tests, and explained my physical symptoms etc. i was diagnosed with post-viral fatigue syndrome. I have now been put on relevant medication and am starting to feel the benefits

31-01-05, 00:13
Well it's good that you are now being sorted out. This is the trouble when GP's decide not to investigate things. I had to insist on having my tests done. Trouble is, there are so many possibilities for the same symptoms, it's not always easy for doctors.

02-02-05, 00:11
i know, i cant believe the things i have learnt in my time of need. Especially in my circumstances, some people in different areas of the medical profession who i thought could be trusted, showed their true colours. But anyway, i believe that some things happen for a reason.