View Full Version : Skin infection?

25-04-18, 13:57
Im going crazy. I went to the doctor two days ago egarding this but they said they didnt see anything concerning - took my BP, temp was fine and HR was fine. It was on a Saturday I discovered an extremely faint and sometimes not so faint redness on my inner left arm where I had a few dry skin cuts healing on my hand - the cuts have basically healed by this point by the way. I panic and get a flash light, the redness is difficult to see but its there - up to my inner elbow. I take pictures with flash since its better to see it that way and the red seems more prominent in flash pictures.

I'm a mess and think I have a skin/staph infection or possibly worse thinking its getting into my blood. Today I called the doc went in and she throughly exams my arms says my cuts are looming great but she doesnt see any redness - I insist there is redness its just so faint you can hardly see it, she asks if I have blisters and I cant say for sure she exams my under arms for swollen lymph nodes and she says theyre not swollen. Says a smin i fection cause a red spot and large red rash thats hot to the touch with fever and I tell her I know I leave out I basically researched the symptoms top to bottom and scared myself with stories of people who had cellulitis or infection with hardly any symptoms. She mentions how within 48 hrs my arm would be really red. I tell her my arm has been hurting and it hurts to touch the inner part. I mention how I slept on this arm Friday night but the aching and pains started Saturday afternoon.

I came back home and checked my arm and I can see thw faint redness clear as day. I'm so scared. Its not hot to the touch but its there and its been there since Saturday. I keep thinking I have gotten an infection while my cuts were healing and I feel like I'm screwed. I tried so hard to avoid any issues with my cuts. I should of insisted on bloodwork or something. Now I feel like my arm is hot to touch but sometimes it isnt - I dont have a fever but I know you can have infections without a fever. Theres no direct source for where the redness is coming from. I looked everywhere on my arm and hand for a source but I guess you dont need a direct visible source for redness? I even noticed my inner right arm may be getting this same faint orange red color and I found that over night to today I started getting a few stray tiny pin point red dots, not an extreme amount but its one or twk here and there on my arm or up on my fore arm. It's been 4 days now but I'm still freaking out! I saw a new article about an ex presidents father recently being hospitalized for an infection that went to their blood and I'm dcared these faint color changes in my arm and new red dots are sinister.

I wanna go back well I know I'm going to make myself go back before the end of the week since I'm convinced this is some infection.

25-04-18, 14:47
Skin infection?

No. IMO...Perception vs. reality and extreme self examination behavior leading to a skewed view and sense of reality.

Positive thoughts

25-04-18, 17:55
You do not have a blood stream infection without having a fever & feeling very unwell. At the very most you have a very mild skin infection (& even then I doubt it if a doctor thoroughly e amines you today & ruled it out). I’m not surprised your arm is red & tender with all the checking you’re doing!!