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View Full Version : Stomach bug or worse?

25-04-18, 15:24
Ever since I woke up this morning I've been feeling bad. I'm really nauseous, I have diarrhea, and I'm hurting all over.. My stomach keeps cramping and I feel like I have the chills. My heart rate is also elevated today to. I'm worried its something worse like cancer or something..

25-04-18, 15:26
Honest question: Do you enjoy going through life, constantly worried about your health, and deciding that every single sensation is indicative of a fatal disease?

25-04-18, 15:31
I'm worried its something worse like cancer or something.. Yeah, cos people wake up suddenly one morning with cancer that makes them nauseous and with diahorrea. :lac:

Hypo go back and look at your other threads (you could even update them for all those people who replied and tried to help you?), you've talked about exactly this before...exactly the symptoms you describe now....they weren't cancer then,and they won't be now! Why do you keep doing this ?

25-04-18, 15:32
So you think its a bug or something?

25-04-18, 15:33
What do YOU think is most likely ?

25-04-18, 15:40
Stomach flu most likely but their are other possibilities.

25-04-18, 15:43
Hypo, you’re like a revolving door of fears. Your posts from early 2017 mimic those from 2018, almost exactly. In fact you go so far as to describe your arm as having a “detached” feeling after drinking on multiple occasions.

The pattern is brain, ALS, stomach....repeat. Why do you choose to be like this? Why do you refuse to treat the anxiety?

25-04-18, 15:46
Stomach flu most likely but their are other possibilities. Yes, you are absolutely right there could be other possibilities - like you ate something dodgy last night, or your anxiety is so sky-high that it gives you these symptoms (I've had them from anxiety)!

The poster above is correct, this is a repeat of other posts and fears you've had. Look back, see the pattern.....Brain, ALS, Stomach/GI tract, heart rate are your mainstays.

25-04-18, 15:51
I'm seeing the psychologist tomorrow morning when I see my doctor so I am taking the proper steps..

25-04-18, 15:52
Well, thats great news - is this someone who will be supporting you regularly?

Part of the 'proper steps' is going to be work on your part - a recognition of what you are doing and what you are suffering from. Honestly, look back at your posts on here.

25-04-18, 15:54
Yes it is.

25-04-18, 16:18
I'm seeing the psychologist tomorrow morning when I see my doctor so I am taking the proper steps..

When you see the psychologist, I urge you to show them your post history here. They need to know of this behavior in order to treat you!

Think of it this way. If you were allergic to a certain food, knew you got sick when you ate it, then went to the doctor each time and didn't tell them, how would they know to make the connection? You know this is bad for you yet you keep doing it. It's like an addiction. You need help in breaking the habit.

Positive thoughts