View Full Version : One Sided

Anxious Canuck
17-07-07, 14:51
Does anyone get physical manifestations of their anxiety that are more pronounced on one side of their body versus the other?

I feel more weakness in my left leg than in my right, and inclined to lean to my left when walking as opposed to the other way around.

Anybody else in this boat?


17-07-07, 15:10
Hi Anxious,

My left side always gives me more weakness than my right. xx

Anxious Canuck
17-07-07, 16:23
Thanks for the reply Mandy.

My experience is like I could lift 500 pounds with my right leg, but my left can barely support my weight. I have even gone as far as flipping off my shoes and convincing myself that it's easier with one than it is with the other... I feel like I am using a leg that is 2 inches shorter than the other when I walk...

I have constant muscle twitches that leave me with tired, weak legs even after 8 hours of sleep. My calves are like rippling water... I have run the gammut from MS to ALS to stroke to tumor......one worse than the previous.

About a year ago, I had a doctor that insisted on a CT scan.....nothing. Not satisfied, I went and paid for an MRI in Buffalo of my head and cervical spine.....perfectly unremarkable.

I cannot take this anymore. I have thought about ending my life a few times, but do not think I would ever follow through. What I want more than anything is to stop being a burden to my wife and get back to playing with her and enjoying her company and happiness every day.

After reading the section on meds, I want to never take one as long as I live, so what else can I do? Have you used any self-help programs that really made a difference? Have you tried yoga?

I am not afraid of effort and I need to reclaim my sanity.

Any help you or anyone can offer would be a good start.

Thanks in advance,


17-07-07, 20:32

Scroll down to the bottom of this page and you will see some related threads that may reasssure you.

You may want to consider CBT to help you.

18-07-07, 03:41
hi I always have any physical ailments on the left part of my body. For example I had a pain in my left arm for months and thought horrible things about it. I had it xrayed and had and ecg and everything was fine and it went away. I only get it now when I am anxious which is quite often.