View Full Version : Help please

25-04-18, 16:33
I’ve been feeling nauseous and yuk for about a week now, I went to the doctors as had loads of bruising up my legs, anyway the doctors have called today and said I have borderline ldh levels, has anyone else experienced this as now am terrified I have lymphoma x

25-04-18, 16:41
Hiyer Honeybee,

I haven't had those results I'm afraid, and dont know what they mean (maybe someone will come along shortly who can shed more light). However, I wanted to ask, the doctor gave you these results; did you ask him/her what they meant/indicated?

25-04-18, 16:43
It can be an indicator of quite a few things, cancer being one of them, I just feel very confused about the borderline comment, I think it’s the fact I don’t feel very well either makes me feel it’s bad, they are calling me
Next week but with my anxiety it feels like so long away x

25-04-18, 16:48
It can be an indicator of quite a few things, cancer being one of them, I just feel very confused about the borderline comment, I think it’s the fact I don’t feel very well either makes me feel it’s bad, they are calling me
Next week but with my anxiety it feels like so long away xIs that what the doctor said - 'it could be an indicator of quite a few things, cancer being one of them?'

Who is calling you next week ? The doctor again ? Was it borderline low or high ?

If that is the case, then yes, that seems a long time to wait and worry, can you not get in to see them this week.

25-04-18, 17:01
Yeah the doctor mentioned it’s a marker for a few things cancer being one of them, she said borderline high, Im trying to stay positive and think well they didn’t say it’s actually high just borderline, I feel so confused and so scared x

25-04-18, 17:09
Well, if she said that its going to scare you isn't it, I'm really not surprised you are really anxious you poor thing - that seems pretty silly to say that and then say that she's not speaking to you until next week. I've just looked it up (the ldh thingy) and there is a massive range of things that it could indicate if it were high, and yes it says 'certain cancers' but that is one of a large number of things including anaemia and others.

Does your name indicate that you are 16 years old ? If so, are your parents/guardians aware of what the doctor has said, and have you spoken with them.

I still don't quite understand what is happening about next week....the doctor is ringing back ?

25-04-18, 17:12
Ooh no im 38 😆 not sure why it says that!!

She was just so vague, she is going to chat with my normal
Doctor who is on annual leave this week, I’ve just felt so unwell this last week, all my others bloods were normal
Apart from the one and it showed I’m dehydrated xx

25-04-18, 17:20
Oh right, LOL, ok....probably chatting with your parents isn't in order then lol

Well, honestly, I think saying that to someone then saying you will speak with them next week is really unfair - and to be so vague. I know nobody has come along yet about ldh levels (evening is busier here), but if I was you I think I would be wanting to go and find out more from this doctor and not be waiting. This is going to majorly play on your mind, AND you just aren't feeling well. Do you have someone in your life who could go with you and advocate ? You know, of course, it would be something easy to treat and everso simple - but as she was vague and we aren't doctors it is going to of course make you fearful. I can entirely sympathise with that.

From what I've seen about LDH levels, is that they don't actually indicate anything specific, just that there is 'something' causing it that needs more tests. So, maybe this doctor should be thinking of which tests to follow now ?

25-04-18, 17:25
Thank you so much for the support, you’re right I definitely need to chase this as waiting till next week is just going to be too much, think I’m going to make myself more ill because of the anxiety x

25-04-18, 17:29
Yes, I agree.......as an objective by-reader (instead of stander) this seems unfair on you....it really does. All very easy for her to say 'I'll talk to your usual doctor', but then surely your usual doctor is going to have to order some more tests. So, this one might as well start it now. I don't think its reasonable to say what she has said, and then not offer a plan going forward.

25-04-18, 17:32
I think I will
Call them again tomorrow and say I need an appointment urgently, I can’t cope with the waiting it’s like torture x