View Full Version : severe back pain please help

26-04-18, 01:45
so I've had a tense back for a few days, had a terrible muscle spasm in the middle of a movie. The pain spread to my chest and I went to immediate care. They did an EKG. I had a fever of 100.2. The pain in my back would come and go the next couple days. Today was horrific- excruciating back pain and chest pain. The doctor said to go to immediate care. I had a chest x ray -NORMAL. She said the back ache and chest ache is probably from a virus I'm fighting plus tension. I have a stuffy nose and sore throat as well as a slight fever. It's my back and chest pain that worries me. What if I have a blood clot or something serious they missed.
How would you deal with this. She said Tylenol and motrin every 6 hours to treat the pain PLUS mucinex and Sudafed for the viral symptoms. I'm currently using a heating pad which is so comforting and just took Tylenol until my next dose of Ibruprofen.

I have been so anxious all day and relying on klonopin to get me through this. I just want to get better!

26-04-18, 09:16
Bless you that's awful! You really don't need any extra stress with all the anxiety you're already going through.
If you've been to immediate care I wouldn't worry about them missing something, I know you hear about horror stories but they are in the news for a reason because they are rare.
Praying that the pain eases and your body heals
Gentle hugs :hugs:

26-04-18, 13:56
Thank you Vicky for your kind words and hugs! That's just what i need :) I'm also going through a rough patch. I've been taking Klonopin for about 14 months now. It never really worked that well from the beginning. The doctor at the time had put me on .5 three times a day. It didn't work until i had the third dose. He actually switched me from xanax since it's supposed to be smoother.

I've tried countless medications, only to have them increase my anxiety or have bad side effects or not work at all. So one day my doctor said take 2MG and see how you feel. I was much better. These pills were working fine UNTIL the pharmacy switched generic brands. It's like i'm in withdrawl while still battling anxiety. Now i have to take 3MG of this brand. Part of me worries that i've built a tolerance just like all the horror stories i've read, but part of me really thinks this generic is so much weaker than the brand i've been taking for a year. Unfotunatley, my brand is so hard to find. I believe it has been back ordered. I pray that i can get my anxiety under control by staying in the present moment, meditating, exercising, eat healthy, and most importantly therapy! I may have my doctor try one more med as a last ditch effort.
Has anyone been in the same situation as me as far as benzos? I know they are bad, i'm just a shaky, anxious mess and really want to stop them. I feel like a drug abuser, even though they are prescribed and controlled by my psychiatrist.

26-04-18, 14:05
If you really want to come off benzos why is your psychiatrist still prescribing them freely? I presume you have spoken to him/her about this?

26-04-18, 14:22
because my anxiety is not under control at all and I need them to function right now. She says she will help me wean when the time is right. I see her wednesday and plan to have a chat with her. Maybe i can try another SSRI or SOMETHING to help me that isn't so addictive.

26-04-18, 15:37
I know its much easier said then done, as anxiety doesn't allow you to accept it. But its important to realize that 99% of the time, a backache is just a backache. A mild fever is just a virus. These are everyday complaints rarely caused by anything sinister.

26-04-18, 17:04
because my anxiety is not under control at all and I need them to function right now. She says she will help me wean when the time is right. I see her wednesday and plan to have a chat with her. Maybe i can try another SSRI or SOMETHING to help me that isn't so addictive.

"When the time is right"....That says a lot.

I'd advise you to start looking around for a psychiatrist who doesn't prescribe benzos long term as a means of coping with anxiety. I say this purely to help you avoid the ghastly scenario of benzo addiction. You deserve far better than what she is offering you.

27-04-18, 13:35
So just an update. I STILL have a low grade fever and its been a week now. Today i woke up and its 99.6 . My backache and chest ache is slightly better. I still feel axhy ans rired and have a sore throat, cough, and stuffy nose. I know ive had low grade fevers in the past but is it supposed to last this long. Im already anxious and this is really make me more anxious! I ahoukd note my husband just got over some sort of virus and his seemed much worse. Hes fine now... just some lingering achinesss. Why cant i just think normally? Im so depressed. Im also worried about another thing . My blood pressure and pulse were sky high at the doctor. Im assuming thats because i was so nervous AND sick? Ugh so depressed. I want to feel better physically and mentally.