View Full Version : Child got bad diagnosis today

26-04-18, 03:31
I am falling. My 8yo child received bad news at the pediatric dental specialist today. Apparently my child needs some tooth extractions, baby root canals, crowns, and fillings. I am devastated and scared. We have always been diligent with dental care and have brought our child to the dentist every 3-6mo since the age of 2 to avoid any dentist-office fears. This dentist has consistently told us our child's teeth look great, no cavities, and always dismissed my questions about whether x-rays should be taken. So how did this happen? I am outraged at our family dentist who completely missed all of these issues (and who has since transferred us to this specialist). I am heartbroken for my child who will have to undergo this trauma.

Has anyone else had kids who experienced such dental procedures and can offer reassurance? I'm just in shock. I am getting another opinion next week, but this specialist we saw today is well-regarded.

All the stupid worries just don't matter when something like this happens. I have so much stress in my life right now - too much. I am currently strapped to a heart monitor because my arrhythmia was worsening. I have to wear it for 2 weeks (one week already done). Oddly I haven't been too concerned about it because I just won't let myself go there. Then this. There is also so so so much stress in my life aside from these health matters.

I'm trying not to let my anxiety spin out here... but I'm not being very successful.

26-04-18, 04:43
Really sorry to hear this, jules. :hugs: You put your faith in a medical professional who it seems has fallen well short. But you did everything right, you went to all the required appointments where you were told everything was fine. Without specialist knowledge yourself, or some indication something wasn't right, how could you have known?

I'm not surprised you feel bad about this as protecting your child is core to who you are. But please try not to lose sight where the blame firmly lies and that's with the dentist who you trusted to do his/her job.

I hope corrective treatment isn't too upsetting for your child.

26-04-18, 14:38
Couldn’t sleep and just spinning with fear, dread, and worry. How do we get through this? How do I start calm to get my child through this? I barely slept, had a panic attack during the night. I’m going to worst case scenarios of complications and scary stuff. I just can’t believe this is all happening to my lovely and sweet innocent child. To top it off I am having a bad tooth pain now too!