View Full Version : Can I catch cancer through saliva?

26-04-18, 07:49
If someone accidentally spits (whilst talking) into your coffee which you drink and they have/had skin cancer, can any cancerous cells be transferred to your body and cause a cancer? I know germs and viruses transmit this way but is it the same for cancer. Been really worried that I may have cancer cells in my stomach and have been awake all night worrying about this. I am sure this is my HA working overtime but it helps to get it off my chest and I’m sure I’m not the only one who has these thoughts. Please help, thanks.

26-04-18, 10:19
Absolutely not.

26-04-18, 10:27
Thanks for your reply - I presume 'absolutely not' refers to the title question and not whether anyone else has these thoughts?

26-04-18, 11:02
Impossible Jane it can never, ever happen, may I ask what help are you receiving re your HA at the moment? ATB

26-04-18, 11:50
Thanks for your reply. I have recently been through several months of CBT and whilst it did help, I still struggle with my HA. I spent all last night trying to use the techniques I had been given but to no avail, that’s when I have to ask for advice on the forum as it all gets too much for me.

26-04-18, 12:50
Cancer is caused by a mutation of cells. It's not something you "catch" like a cold.

Positive thoughts

26-04-18, 12:55
Jane, what made this thought come into your head? Was there a trigger for it?

26-04-18, 13:06
Yes, when having coffee with my walking group, one of the ladies who had/has skin cancer accidentally spat into my coffee when we were all chatting elatedly and of course it got my mind thinking, oh no have I caught a cancer now from drinking my coffee that had her saliva in (sorry if this sounds gross) and I am kicking myself for drinking it!

26-04-18, 13:12
Are you on any medication too for your HA? Something to take the edge off things are you still on CBT at the moment? If you are let your therapist know you are struggling to cope they are there to help you :) ATB

---------- Post added at 13:12 ---------- Previous post was at 13:07 ----------

Yes, when having coffee with my walking group, one of the ladies who had/has skin cancer accidentally spat into my coffee when we were all chatting elatedly and of course it got my mind thinking, oh no have I caught a cancer now from drinking my coffee that had her saliva in (sorry if this sounds gross) and I am kicking myself for drinking it! Like FMP says Cancer cant not be caught in the way you describe it, it's not even remotely possible to catch it this way, it's 0% and that's a FACT :yesyes: This is where my reassurance ends now as it's only feeding the cycle you are in. ATB

26-04-18, 13:17
I have tried several tablets from doctor but they didn’t agree with me so am on Nortryptiline now, which doesn’t really seem to help although it’s early days. I am not entitled to any more NHS therapy as have had my allocated sessions and cannot re-refer for another couple of months. Am using the techniques I have been taught as best I can.

---------- Post added at 13:17 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ----------

Thanks for your responses Bigboyuk, they are appreciated.