View Full Version : Is this really visual/ocular migraine?

26-04-18, 10:09
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for similar experiences as at the moment it seems to me like I'm the only one in the world to have this type of migraine/probable migraine.

I'm 26y male and I've been having "visual/ocular migraines for around 10 years now. It always starts with part of my central vision going blank(was told this is called scotoma) which lasts around 5-15 minutes and gradually expands to this shimmering colorful zig-zag line which then slowly, over the course of next 15-30 minutes moves into my peripheral vision until its gone completely. After that I don't have a headache(actually had a headache only twice after it, but only mild).

This has been happening once a year until 2 years ago, when it increased to up to 3-4 times a MONTH.

I've been to neurologist and did eeg, mri, ekg and heart ultrasound, all came clean and the doctor said visual migraines and sent me home. He did say to take 600mg magnesium (glycinate for best absorption) before bed which maybe helped as I had 2 month free period, but now it seems to have started again despite magnesium.

I can also note(not sure if related to this or not) that I've been periodically having this pressure on top of my nose for years now, lasts for days/weeks at the time. Not pain, just pressure. Also nose is maybe only slightly congested and I do not have any allergies as its the same during winter or summer.

I would appreciate any help/similar experiences here. Can you treat this with medication? Does this usually progress to worse or better as time goes on?

Thank you all

27-04-18, 03:30
Yes this really is migraines, I have them and my father had them too. My nephew has them, but his are different. I go thru periods where I have several a week and periods where I go a couple of months without having one. Mine are almost exactly like yours. Small blind area, then the zig zag patterns, then I’m pretty much blind for about 30-60 minutes. I’m pretty sure there are daily medications you can take as a preventive, but I’m not a big fan of pharmaceuticals, and the magnesium works for a variety of things so I’m just continuing with that.

You may need to switch to what I take which is liquid ionic magnesium so that you absorb it better. It tastes horrible but I just mix it in a little juice and it’s fine. There are also magnesium lotions and magnesium oils that are topical and don’t cause diarrhea like oral magnesium can. I use that nightly, too.

You might also keep a food diary and see if anything triggers your migraines. Sometimes perfumes can even be a trigger.

27-04-18, 03:51
Absolutely occular migraine, you described it perfectly. I used to say that my vision went like a kaleidoscope! Usually in one eye, but rarely a headache.

I was similar age to you when they started, my Mum had had them too.

Mine seemed to be started by glare - pc screen at work, or really bright strip lighting. Once it started I had to go and sit quietly until it finished- if I just carried on working then I could be guaranteed it would move to the other eye, and THEN I’d get the headache.

I got them quite regularly for a few years, but only over the winter months for some reason. They stopped after a few years, but I don’t know why. I’m still very sensitive to bright glare though.

Keeping a diary about what you were doing/food/sleep pattern etc is a very good idea.

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27-04-18, 05:59
Yes, I get them too exactly as you describe. I also get regular migraines without the visual stuff but when I've had the visual ones I never have a headache with them. Mine are infrequent so I don't take anything for them.