View Full Version : Scared/please don't judge me

26-04-18, 11:12
Hi please can anyone help,I have had health anxiety for years and also got ibs for 25 plus years, A couple of weeks ago I found out I was pregnant it was a massive accident I took morning after pill which never worked.i have had 3 miscarriage 1 was bad, I do have 2 beautiful children I we did not want anymore and I couldn't cope with a pregnancy with my history so I had a termination last Friday.ever since I have been in such a state I am convinced it hasn't all come away or I am still pregnant even thought with out going into detail I sure it worked and I have been bleeding ever since, i have had on off stomach aches cramps since which apparently is normal but I have been so anxious I can't eat or sleep I feel so sick so obviously I am convinced still pregnant even thought I no it's probably a combination of anxiety and my ibs which has really kicked off, I have this sick hungry feeling as well as stomach cramps and going to the loo has been all over,I have to do a pregnancy test a week tomorrow to see if it worked and I am so scared.any advice would be really appreciated I can't say how scared I am I can't live my life I am off work my husband is fed up of me worrying and I am convinced I am ill because I feel so ill with the anxiety and panic attacks thanks for reading and like I say please don't judge I had to make right decision for me and my family. Toria x

26-04-18, 11:40
I would never judge what anyone does. We have to do what is right for us. As far as the side effects you are suffering i have no idea what is normal or not. If you think things arent right you should get it seen to. As far as still being pregnant i would think the chances arent likely. I know with my anxiety i can talk myself into feeling things that i know arent there.

26-04-18, 17:27
I think you should contact the clinic who performed the termination for some advice.

26-04-18, 22:16
You don't need to justify yourself. I'm sorry, it's a horrible thing to go through. When I went through my miscarriage I had exactly the symptoms you're describing. I had a silent one that was only picked up at a scan and so had to have a "medically managed" procedure to end it, which I guess is the same as a termination pretty much. Basically you bleed as much as you would after giving birth so it comes as a shock to a lot of people. The cramping is normal with it, as is feeling exhausted, fatigued, sick. I think it took me about 10 days to start to feel physically better. Each miscarriage is different of course, but just to let you know that what you're experiencing sounds normal based on my experience, sadly. It has worked though in that you are no longer pregnant. There's always the possibility of retained tissue which occasionally happens, which I guess is what testing your pregnancy levels is for when you do that?

Sending you a virtual hug. It's awful and you need lots of TLC and kindness from your loved ones and also be kind to yourself as it's a lot to recover from physically and emotionally. x

27-04-18, 09:32
Thank you so much for your replys, I am going to the clinic on Monday for a scan to check, I no it takes a while to get over things and it's a shock to the body and mind, sorry you have been through a miscarriage, I just seem to convince myself it didn't work because I feel like I do,I no hormones can take a while to calm down I just hope the scan confirms all is ok, thanks again all xx