View Full Version : So many aches and pains

welsh girl
26-04-18, 16:08
If someone could identify with me i should feel so much better in myself,
i have a different pain every day, for no reason they come and they go, and it
leaves me a mental wreck.
I had my diabetic check today and all the bloods came back normal, kidneys,
liver etc
The only thing I can think of is that I worry that i might get something fatal and not be around to care for the family, i should see someone but would feel such an idiot, so life goes on, miserably.

26-04-18, 17:24
Yup. Today my sore bits are my right upper arm, my upper back, my lower back, my tailbone, my right hip & over the bottom of my tummy. I think it’s all muscle tension & that a hot bath will sort it out this evening.