View Full Version : Melanoma - Referral to dermatologist

26-04-18, 18:05
Hi guys.. me again.. with a new fear.. which I feel has been mildly confirmed by my doctor ( unfortunately)

I have allot of a-typical moles..millions/billions lol ( maybe not..but allot.)

Today I went to get them assessed for precaution ( trying to be responsible)
the doctor said that two looked different than the others and discoloured and a-typical. She wanted to have them checked but it didn't seem urgent, it won't be for a few months. This has obviously set off my health anxiety as my body is filled with weird moles. I am scared right now but I know there is nothing that can be done until I see the derm. Also a little scared that TWO spots are weird.. one would be enough.

Can anyone make me feel better? Tell me curability of melanoma? Tell me if you have had this experience.. if you turned out okay?

They are not very large.. definitely not larger than a pencil eraser but almost in that range.

Sending hugs!

Lilly xx


26-04-18, 18:18
Doesn't mean anything. I had a doctor point one out to "keep an eye on" during a physical once. Went to a derm to get it checked, he removed/biopsied it, came back fine.

Your story sounds very precautionary to me. If they suspected something serious, they'd get you in immediately.

26-04-18, 18:38
Best to play safe than sorry.

I was sent under the two week ruling to see the specilaist a couple of years ago as my gp thought he felt a lump in my testicle region he was unsure I think he was slightly older than me and played it safe. believe me I was scared waiting for that letter, specialist could not feel the lump but just to triple check everything and to cover his backside sent me for an ultrasound and got seen the same day, being only 10 minute scan there was a gap, as quite a few people had not bothered to show up for their scans.
The end result not cancer but a couple of cysts in the epdidymis

26-04-18, 20:17
Thanks guys.. I just find myself quickly going down the rabbit hole.. I fear these moles have been there for quite some time.. my ants are...

- what if I have had melanoma for too long and it is too late now?

- what if it progresses in months before my appointment- should I try to get a sooner appointment?

-How didn't I notice these moles- how am I so stupid?

27-04-18, 14:07
I'm really in a state... I have been crying all morning.. :(

I would really appreciate someone to talk to about this.

I feel as if many of my moles meet the requirement for a pre-cancerous mole, I am not sure if the dermatologist is just going to go crazy removing a bunch of moles. This is really scaring me. Can't explain how worried I am. I also have to wait like months to see the derm
I haven't even gotten a date yet... I have never been so worried in my life. I am convinced that this is the end.

27-04-18, 14:22
- what if I have had melanoma for too long and it is too late now?

- what if it progresses in months before my appointment- should I try to get a sooner appointment?

What if they're completely normal and you're worrying yourself sick for nothing?

Which is by far the most likely outcome.

27-04-18, 15:11
I have been through this sprial as well. I had a black one --really weird shaped on the back of my neck. I was spiraling. The doctor said it looks weird and that he wanted to take it off. He also said most moles are not Melanoma. It ended up being benign. I went through weeks of worry for no reason. I'm sure yours will be nothing. If on the off change it was Melanoma it's very treatable. I know someone who had it.

27-04-18, 18:39
I have been through this sprial as well. I had a black one --really weird shaped on the back of my neck. I was spiraling. The doctor said it looks weird and that he wanted to take it off. He also said most moles are not Melanoma. It ended up being benign. I went through weeks of worry for no reason. I'm sure yours will be nothing. If on the off change it was Melanoma it's very treatable. I know someone who had it.

THANK YOU for your answer.. I am accustom to weird moles.. which maybe isn't a good thing.. a-typical moles run in my family, my brother got one removed when he was like 12. I am really worried because I have a bunch of weirdo ones but the two the doctor is worried about are also DARK and weirdly shaped.
I guess they aren't raised which is a good thing.. obviously I googled... which isn't wonderful.

28-04-18, 00:41
now my neck is hurting on one side.. of course my brain goes to my lymph nodes are swollen. I am a bit of a mess, but I tried to have a nice day today.. I know that worrying won't help me. I just feel I need allot of support in being less petrified.

28-04-18, 01:14
THANK YOU for your answer.. I am accustom to weird moles.. which maybe isn't a good thing.. a-typical moles run in my family, my brother got one removed when he was like 12. I am really worried because I have a bunch of weirdo ones but the two the doctor is worried about are also DARK and weirdly shaped.
I guess they aren't raised which is a good thing.. obviously I googled... which isn't wonderful.

Hi, I've also got lots of irregular moles and freckles or varying colours due to my Scottish genetics and also because as a teenager (in the 1970's) I spent hours baking in the hot sun in New Zealand where I live.

I see a skin specialist every 18 months and so far everything has been normal. I've had a couple of small ones removed and they've been benign. Some moles and freckles can be growing and still be benign.

On occasions when I've seen my Dr for something else, she's commented on a couple of dark moles on my arm and told me to get them checked, she's genuinely seemed concerned. I tell her they're fine as I've seen the specialist. I'm now 61.

My brother (who used to be a marijuana smoking surfer back in the day) had 3 large moles on his back. The Dr biopsied them and one was early stage melanoma, so he was immediately referred to the hospital where they removed a larger section of of it. That was ten years ago and he's been fine since. He's also had several pre-cancerous ones removed from his legs as well.

Yours are fine, just like mine are, they're small and Your Dr is referring you on to be precautionary :)

28-04-18, 23:10
This response made me feel allot better, I have weak moments and moments of some clarity... this morning was hard. I my neck was really tender and I could only think it was my lymph nodes..and melanoma had spread.. health anxiety isa joy.. I am trying to centre myself and enjoy life despite these worries and fears. Also trying to believe the doctor about things that they have said are fine..

29-04-18, 00:23
Hey guys.. I'm freaking out. ALLOT!

like I'm a mess.

I have been worried about this mole for a year... I went to the doctor last year and he said that it was nothing.. but didn't give much of an explanation he said maybe acne.. but it wasn't acne it never went away.. but I was convinced that if it was serious he would notice it.. then I read this article about nodular melanoma looking like acne *SHREEEK* this is what brought me to the doctor last week again.. one year later.. she said she thought it was a pigmented skin tag and wasn't worried. I was relieved for a day.. but she also pointed out two moles she was slightly concerned about.. putting me on a sorry cycle

I haven't even gotten the date for the dermatologist.. pretty much convinced I'm dying anyway.. as I've had all of these moles for idk how long..

---------- Post added at 23:23 ---------- Previous post was at 23:21 ----------

Also: I read that skin tags go away.. and I'm pretty convinced that this growth.. has grown.

Oh and on another magical note my right side of my neck is tender to touch and I am convinced that my lymph nodes are swollen... although I can't feel them.. thank god.

29-04-18, 00:33
my skin tags don't go away unless they are burned off.

29-04-18, 00:34
skin cancer does not mean you are dying by the way - not that you have even been diagnosed

29-04-18, 00:52

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

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It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

29-04-18, 03:40
my skin tags don't go away unless they are burned off.

You can tie some thread tightly around skin tags, leave them and they will just drop off in a week or so ... very easy and cheap to do :)

30-04-18, 00:29
You can tie some thread tightly around skin tags, leave them and they will just drop off in a week or so ... very easy and cheap to do :)

OMG really????

OP- melanoma fears are the worst. I hope you get this resolved soon. I have had 10 suspicious moles removed, all ended up benign. That is the more likely scenario by far!

30-04-18, 00:32
You can tie some thread tightly around skin tags, leave them and they will just drop off in a week or so ... very easy and cheap to do :)

Yeah I was told that but mine are so small it is really hard to do that.