View Full Version : Weight loss adding to cancer anxiety cycle

26-04-18, 19:03
Hello All,

Thanks to everyone for your support, this site as helped me so much. So long story short, I have been living with a crippling fear of oral cancer (specifically tonsil cancer) for a few weeks. I have a weird feeling on the back of my right tonsil, it's hard to describe. A combination of something being stuck on that spot and it being a little sore. I also have dry throat like crazy. Outside of that I have no symptoms, outside of weight loss! Each morning I wake up terrified to look at the scale, because I know I will be lighter and the first thing I will think is "Weight loss= cancer, must be dying." When my anxiety kicks in, I skip meals, not on purpose but because I am just so focused on worrying that it doesn't occur or appeal to me. I know rationally that the reason I am losing weight is because I haven't been eating as much as I should be. But my HA won't allow me to accept that! Anyone else ever deal with this? Any tips?

Side note: Both my GP and my dentist have seen me and said that they aren't worried about what's going on in my mouth. I am going to make on appointment with an ENT just to make sure.

26-04-18, 19:07
Honest question....Are you going to believe the ENT when he reiterates the previous findings, that there's nothing there?

26-04-18, 19:28
Hey AMomentofClarity, valid question on your end. I honestly think I will. I'm looking at that as almost a closing this chapter moment. Do you think I should just not do it?

27-04-18, 10:36
I ALWAYS lose weight when I’m feeling anxious. And I also ALWAYS think it is due to cancer!

27-04-18, 17:54
Hey Jojo, Thanks so much for your reply! Glad to know I'm not the only one. How do you force yourself to eat when the anxiety kicks in?

27-04-18, 18:07
Ahhhh, this is very difficult......I had a big weight loss thing a few weeks ago....couldn't face anything/didn't want anything/felt sick if I ate etc. I found that instead of main meals, a few small snacks during the day worked better. I still didn't feel like having them, but really forced myself (as of course eating nothing makes you feel even more ill than you need to!One hour I had a banana, then an hour later a glass of milk, then an hour later a bowl of raisins and nuts, an hour later a slice of cheese...and so on, as much as I could through the day. I tried to make sure that they were at least small nutritious items, rather than biscuits and chocolate lol

27-04-18, 22:07
Thanks Carys. I have been doing the exact same thing. Little things here and there.

28-04-18, 00:28
I ALWAYS lose weight when I’m feeling anxious.

This is so common, whether it's HA or another type of anxiety. Some people stop eating and others over eat. It's just the way individuals cope with stress.

Note that most people loose weight after a relationship break-up or death of a spouse/partner.

When you’re under stress, your body releases hormones that activate your “fight or flight” response so you can deal with the stressor and return to stasis as quickly as possible. One of these stress hormones inhibits appetite, while the other boosts it. Whether you lose or gain weight under stress may depend on your eating habits when you aren’t stressed out.

PS there's no way you have cancer, your Dr would have spotted this with a look, whether you want to hear the ENT say the same thing is up to you.

28-04-18, 03:45
Hi there. As you know, I'm going through the same thing and I have the same symptoms plus an enlarged lymph node which 2 doctors have missed/dismissed somehow and I've also lost weight. I didn't go on a scale but other people have told me. Of course I also linked it to having cancer
I am around 120 pounds and I actually wanted to lose weight and I was going to the gym for that but now I want to gain weight because I don't think I will survive cancer treatment being this skinny. I know how ridiculous this sounds. I actually stopped going to the gym for 3 weeks but I kept on losing weight. Now in trying to put on some weight by eating junk food.

30-04-18, 15:36
Thanks to everyone for your posts, again it's always helpful to know other people have similar struggles. I am going to commit to not stepping on the scale every day and over analyzing what I see. it's only going to make things worse. Thanks again.

30-04-18, 15:52
Hey AMomentofClarity, valid question on your end. I honestly think I will. I'm looking at that as almost a closing this chapter moment. Do you think I should just not do it?

I can answer this question. Personally no, I don't think you need an ENT to further reassure you. I'm a H&N cancer survivor and weight loss is NOT a symptom. In fact, nothing you described is what I and many other oral cancer patients described. AND... you had two medical professionals dismiss your fears. Of course "logically" if you're eating less due to stress and anxiety, you may lose a couple of pounds. The weight loss you hear about in cancer patients is more due to the treatment than the disease itself. I lost over 70 pounds during my ordeal but that was due to how sick I was from treatment and surgeries. It took a while but I gained back weight to a healthy level.

The scale is not necessarily a good measure either. When I was working out, I actually gained weight but it was lean muscle mass. I was losing inches and my close fit better but the scale said otherwise. Put the scale away. It's only going to serve to feed your dragon.

Positive thoughts

08-05-18, 20:18
Hi Fishmanpa, I just wanted to say thank you for your post. I'm sorry it took me so long to see it. Your reassurance is incredibly helpful to me. I am working every day to figure out this whole HA thing and support from this site has been awesome.