View Full Version : Lymph node/cyst

26-04-18, 19:24
About a month ago I had a pain just in front of my right earlobe that felt like the beginnings of a cyst. I have acne and was getting a few quite deep cysts at the time so I thought it was just that. A few days later it’s about 1cm quite deep under the skin and has stayed there until now. So I’m confused because I’ve never had a cyst stay there for that long. Dr google to the rescue of course. Bad idea, as I’ve not convinced myself I’ve got lymphoma in my paratoid. It’s in the exact same place so what I thought was a cyst may not be one after all. I didn’t even know there were lymph nodes there until I was 3 hours into googling. I went to the doctors recently about having blocked ears which he said was due to fluid build up in my middle ear, didn’t mention the ‘cyst’ because i thought it was just that. Also read that EBV raises risk of lymphoma, which I had just over 2 years ago. Logically, I know if it is a lymph node, it’s probably related to my ears as I had a cold a few weeks before. I’m also 18 with exam stress and have anxiety anyway, so my symptoms could also be related to that. I’ve annoyed my family and friends with this to no end so just wanted to post somewhere to get it out. I’m just anxious about it being cancer even though I do know that it’s likely not the case.