View Full Version : Blood On/Around Stool...

27-04-18, 00:23
Okay. I went and had an ultrasound on my stomach done like almost a month ago. All came back clear praise God but for the past few days when I poop, which has really been like maybe 3x, it’s been looking like a richer brown color. Like not dark brown or whatever and I at first was like omg is it soaked in blood or something and then when I flush the water doesn’t get all red it just goes away. Well today I was at work and I went a little bit and after inspecting it looked like there was some mucus on a piece with some bright red mixed in and I had a complete meltdown. I do have ibs, I’ve been bloated on and off the past few days, I do have trouble passing stool, and I get constipated and then poop my brains out as a cycle. I’m super worried it’s C. My husband is leaving for a trip out of town this week and he won’t have cell service. I’m panicking something will happen to me while I’m alone. He even offered to look at my poo to see if he could see what I was seeing and he literally was like that looks super normal. He didn’t inspect it but def took a long hard look. I’m so scared guys. My doc said that if I had rapid weight loss and fullness after one or two bites of food then we’d be investigating but I’m actully putting on weight which is kinda upsetting but also relieving st the same time and I don’t seem to feel that way with food. I’m debating if I should email him or not. Has anyone ever had this happen? Is it okay? Should I be concerned about the possibility of colon C?

27-04-18, 00:51
after inspecting it


Positive thoughts and latex gloves

27-04-18, 02:11
Oh I don’t mean inspecting it like that lololol I mean just looking closely for a long time...

27-04-18, 07:19
A little bit of blood around stool or on wiping is very very rarely a cause for concern. If you’ve been constipated for a long time you’re bound to have haemorrhoids & quite possibly a little fissure. If you’re otherwise well I really would try not to worry too much - as hard as I now that is to do (this is one of my fears too - gosh writing this i’m Realising just how many fears I have ... eek) if it continues see your gp for a check but honestly I don’t think cancer is likely at all.

27-04-18, 18:47
You are alright. Blood on stool can happen from being constipated and straining. Try a stool softener. The fact that you are gaining weight is also a great sign because if it was sinister you would be losing weight.

27-04-18, 18:51
Oh I don’t mean inspecting it like that lololol I mean just looking closely for a long time...

~Whew~... There's someone on the boards that literally carries gloves around and picks it apart! :huh: Thus my reaction...

Nothing you describe seems out of the ordinary.

Positive thoughts

27-04-18, 19:05
You are alright. Blood on stool can happen from being constipated and straining. Try a stool softener. The fact that you are gaining weight is also a great sign because if it was sinister you would be losing weight.

That really should read *unexplained* weight loss (noting that typically, anxiety is a common weight loss reason).

I say that, because ironically i even find myself in that anxiety trap. I have been focusing strongly on eating better, and walking more, in an intentional bid to get healthier (due to real health concerns about my heart and blood pressure). At the same time, when my anxiety has been the worst (to literal panic attack levels), i began dealing with GERD and IBS symptoms (including occasional bleeding), and it takes ALOT of effort to remember that my weight loss (and ironically, some weeks without weight loss..:doh:) is intentional and started with my exercise and diet changes..

28-04-18, 18:10
I've had blood on my stool, on my toiletpaper, inside mucus...in the end it was just fissures. You're noticing stuff that lots of people probably have, but never notice, because they don't stare at their poop so intensely.