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View Full Version : Hepatitis c

27-04-18, 11:00
New here and have anxieties over hepatitis c. I work in healthcare and see some patients with hepatitis c who are often agitated and hurt themselves my fear is of contracting hepatitis c from touching things they have bled on as they often cut themselves on furniture, doors etc while trying to leave, while agitated. I am not clinical so wouldn't nurse these patients, however I do often have them grab my hand without warning for comfort so I do not have gloves on etc as not expecting it. I constantly worry about this, worry about infecting my partner. I have very dry skin and my hands are often cracked, I know hepatitis c lives in dried blood and remains contagious for 4 days so this concerns me greatly. I know about HIV which I am much less fearful of as know the chances of contracting that are negligible.
I often touch things without thinking like door handles, tables, which I know have had blood on them. I'm scared, I have contacted my gp today who is arranging psychiatric input. Any advice please as feeling scared and alone.