View Full Version : Decreasing from 187.5 back to 150

27-04-18, 13:30
Been on venla 150mg for 5 years or so.
After anxiety peaked and was getting to much for me went to gp and we decided between us id up to 187.5mg.
I was so scared and all the usual ruminating thoughts came with it.

Well ive been on it 7 weeks now, and id say the last 2/3 weeks ive had a chest sensation its defo not palps its there continually when i get it for quite a while.
If i excert myself (lots of stairs) it feels stronger(if that makes sense)
Gp whats me to go for test to rule out angina(i think its just anxiety, but in over 35 years of anxiety this as never been a symptom ive had, and ive had a few :ohmy:
Also i had sweating in the early hours, where i had to throw the quilt off me.
Ive had more headaches also and lots of dreams of people from my past in stupid dreams all mixed up.

So today i dropped back to 150mg, and crapping myself
I asked for proprananol because thats suppose to help with heart symptoms and headaches.
I got 10mg twice a day to take, i know this is very low and seen posts on others being on much higher. Gp knows im not good at meds so as started me low

Ive been out to the shops on my own, felt fine ( well a bit anxiety) before i went and came back with the middle of my chest sensation i cant describe and felt i was welling up ready to cry.
Its bloodly horrible and i cant seem to just pretend its not there

28-04-18, 19:59
You'll feel better soon, don't worry. I was on the same dose as you and it was too high for me, so I dropped back to 150 mg and after a few weeks of adjusting to the new dose, I was feeling much better.
Hang in there. :)