View Full Version : How did I get back to this place?

27-04-18, 14:01
Sigh, I thought I was doing better. I have posted here before but not for a while because I hadn't felt the need to. I started on Zoloft and was taking good care of myself. It was working well. Irrational thoughts still came up, but I was more able to dismiss them and just live my life. A few weeks ago I found a bat in my house - trigger rabies fears! The old behaviors started rushing back and I was on Google for hours at a time. I should have nipped it in the bud right then, but three diseases later and now my fear is ALS. I know this is a really common fear with much more common explanations, but I can't shake it.
I've been dealing with off and on shortness of breath since December. I do have asthma and it was mostly after working out. I also was diagnosed with anemia at that time, so I chalked it up to that combined with anxiety. It's gotten a lot better (no longer anemic) but I still have bad days, yesterday was one. I went down the Googling rabbit hole and happened upon muscle weakness caused by ALS. I know it can cause trouble breathing. Before Googling, I have also noticed that my arm and leg muscles have felt exhausted recently. I assumed I was just out of shape - I stopped working out as much because of the shortness of breath thing. I also have had a numb thumb on my left hand since late last year. This is also intermittent, like most of my symptoms. A few days off an on I've had pain in my hands. My hands are shaky and I notice some weakness while holding my phone and texting. I read that early ALS can look like carpal tunnel...cue freak-outs. I know realistically that it is a rare disease. I also know that I'm pretty young to have it - 29 Y/O female. Could someone offer some advice? It is taking over my whole existence. I'm weepy all the time. I have an appointment with my PCP on Monday and my therapist on Tuesday.

27-04-18, 14:09
I feel your pain. I feel short of breath right now. I've come down with an upper respiratory virus (determined by my doctor- even had a normal chest xray). I've been waking up shaky and feeling short of breath even though my oxygen levels at the doctor were 100%. I'm worried because I have a fever and worried that it's going to turn into something worse. SO my point being, googling doesn't help anything. We should listen to the doctor. A virus is a virus and yours is not ALS. You are young, I'm about 9 years older than you :) I hope you feel better, and that your anxiety passes. Virtual hugs to you!:hugs: