View Full Version : DVT worry.

27-04-18, 21:14
I'm at a party and say crying because I'm convinced I have a DVT and will die in my sleep.

I've had leg cramp all day, it eases up and comes back
If i sit or lay doesn't hurt, just aches when wall or touch it. I'm pregnant and terrified and my boyfriend is mad because I'm anxious.

No red, warm or swelling. Just all day ache. Past few nights I had woken with Charley Horse on this same leg, one morning was other leg.

27-04-18, 22:06
No red, warm or swelling. Just all day ache. Past few nights I had woken with Charley Horse on this same leg, one morning was other leg.

Someone has been googling I see :winks:

You know we can't tell you what to do - if you are worried then call 111 and get some advice.

Sounds like muscle ache to me - why does it have to be a DVT?

27-04-18, 22:19
because it's been all day.

27-04-18, 22:29
Well you know what to do really.

How can we say it is or isn't a DVT ?

27-04-18, 22:30
Who diagnosed Charley horse?

27-04-18, 22:32
I've had them before, sharp exccruitating cramping spasms, one night rigjt leg, other night left now its left that's had this all day ache.

27-04-18, 22:34
Well if you are worried then you need to get it checked out - due to the pregnancy and no other reason.

27-04-18, 22:43
it's 10pm.

27-04-18, 22:53
10.54 actually

you have had it before and it wasn't DVT....

and why wouldn't a muscle ache be all day too??

27-04-18, 23:00
You're not alone — leg cramps (otherwise known as charley horses) are actually quite common during pregnancy and may signal one or two things: a lack of nutrients or dehydration. When your body doesn't have enough water or sodium, your muscles can contract; this is what you feel as a cramp. To prevent cramps caused by dehydration, be sure you're drinking between 8 and 12 glasses of water a day. If water's not quite your thing, you can include milk, juice (avoid juice packed with sugar), sparkling water and decaf tea and coffee in the mix, too.
The other problem may be your diet. Drops in potassium, calcium or magnesium can all lead to muscle spasms. Now that you're pregnant, you should have 4,700 milligrams of potassium, 1,000 to 1,300 milligrams of calcium and 350 to 360 milligrams of magnesium per day.
Leg cramps tend to be more common (and painful!) in the third trimester. So if you haven't felt this yet, you may still — just think of all that extra weight your legs are going to have to carry soon! In addition to eating and drinking right, there are some things you can do to limit those sharp pains in your calves. Stretching will keep your muscles more elastic and less likely to contract. Walking around and getting that blood flowing might help, too.

28-04-18, 07:25
it seems to have eased a little overnight but still here.

Clarrise, this has been all day i thought Charley Horse were brief quick pains?

---------- Post added at 07:18 ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 ----------

I want to go to A&E but I'm on holiday and my boyfriend has fallen out with me thinking it's just another anxiety thing. I'm so unsure what to do. I don't want to ruin my holiday but also don't want to die . . .

---------- Post added at 07:25 ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 ----------

laying in bed it doesn't hurt, sitting down doesn't hurt (unless cross particular leg) most pain is when walking.

28-04-18, 07:43
If you’ve got your midwife notes with you, could you call and ask a midwife?

If it’s getting better it may not need a trip to A&E. Also, if it only hurts when walking then it’s probably muscular.

But I’m not a doctor. If you’re worried then you need to take action. Whether your boyfriend is cross or not.

How pregnant are you?

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28-04-18, 09:55
It seems to have eased more after a hot shower, and I'm 20 weeks. My midwife never answers her phone either.

---------- Post added at 09:55 ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 ----------

I've worked out its either side of calf, whwre seam in jeans would lie. Doesn't hurt to walk or sit now just when I touch it.

28-04-18, 10:25
Glad you’re feeling better.
So it’s probably just a muscle thing that is worse because you keep poking it!
In pregnancy you get all sorts of aches and pains because of the changes your body is going through.

20 weeks is great! Congratulations [emoji4]. Is this your 1st? Have you had your 20 week scan?

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