View Full Version : Brain eating amoeba or parasites from bathtub

28-04-18, 03:32
Basically this morning I was having a bath and I Put my face underneath the bathtub faucet (NOT shower) and it's pretty moldy in there. I GOT WATER UP MY NOSE AND MY HEALTH ANXIETY IS TELLING ME I HAVE A BRAIN EATING PARASITES.
I had headaches neck pain and it kinda hurts to breathe through my nose and pressure kinda near my eyes? But these could be anxiety symptoms.
I live in Toronto canada but I don't know how hot the water was....

28-04-18, 03:37
Absolutely not. Very rare cases occur in the Southeastern US when people are exposed to warm, untreated water (lakes, ponds, etc). No way you got it from tap water in Toronto.

28-04-18, 08:49
Seriously try to ignore this worry - it’s just not rational.

28-04-18, 09:38
Seriously try to ignore this worry - it’s just not rational.

That's for sure, common sense should tell you that! :doh:

28-04-18, 10:08
Another one?
Another one who thinks he will get a brain eating amoeba through his nose and into the brain. I read from someone else here; if there really is something I AM NOT going to google then it is BEA is something that maybe 5 PEOPLE in the entire world, in a world with 7 BILLION PEOPLE have been unfortunate to come into contact with. And all of them seem to be posting on NMP, strange, isnt it. Seriously, I mean....seriously. I am quite a hypocondriac myself but....come on....BRAIN EATING AMOEBA.:huh::huh:
By the way - the nose is NOT a portal to the brain. There was another poster who seemed to believe that too.

28-04-18, 10:31
Another one?
Another one who thinks he will get a brain eating amoeba through his nose and into the brain. I read from someone else here; if there really is something I AM NOT going to google then it is BEA is something that maybe 5 PEOPLE in the entire world, in a world with 7 BILLION PEOPLE have been unfortunate to come into contact with. And all of them seem to be posting on NMP, strange, isnt it. Seriously, I mean....seriously. I am quite a hypocondriac myself but....come on....BRAIN EATING AMOEBA.:huh::huh:
By the way - the nose is NOT a portal to the brain. There was another poster who seemed to believe that too.Unfortunately paranoid-Viking this is the extreme irrational thinking that HA'ers will often experience And DR Google doesn't, help but again it's another part of the HA cycle. To The OP with due respect what help if any are you getting for your seriously out of control HA?? ATB

28-04-18, 10:41
Unfortunately paranoid-Viking this is the extreme irrational thinking that HA'ers will often experience And DR Google doesn't, help but again it's another part of the HA cycle. To The OP with due respect what help if any are you getting for your seriously out of control HA?? ATB

It is health anxiety at its mots extreme. I know as I used to be afraid of rabies years ago. Some people in here try to convince me that all helath anxiety cases are just as extreme as the others. I disagree 100% and no one is going to change my mind over this. I have feared rabies and that IS more extreme than fearing random diseases that people do get. And this brain eating bug....it is taking HA to the most extreme. I do feel sorry for those walking around fearing such things though. When there is a life out there to enjoy and make the best out of.

28-04-18, 11:42
A quick peek at the post history tells you all you need to know.

Positive thoughts

28-04-18, 15:09
A quick peek at the post history tells you all you need to know.

Positive thoughts

I see that at least 3 people in who fears this imaginary amoeba seem to believe that the nose is a portal to the brain. Why on earth do they believe that?

28-04-18, 15:33
I see that at least 3 people in who fears this imaginary amoeba seem to believe that the nose is a protal to the brain. Why on earth do they believe that?

The impossibility of this scenario and rarity of this single celled organism not withstanding, if you read about N. fowleri, you'll find it's not imaginary as well as how it infects a person.

Again, that being said, what we see here on the forum is pure fantasy exasperated by anxiety and extreme irrationality. No different than bats sneaking in at night and biting you.

Anyway... it is what it is and ain't nothin' gonna change. I expect to see more on the boards with the warm weather approaching.

Positive thoughts

28-04-18, 15:41
Anxiety disorders are not rational and some are worse than others. I understand that to many of us it doesn't make sense to be worrying about things like this but to them it does.

Their worries are no less ridiculous or irrational than some I have experienced while at my worst and ALL anxiety has the potential to reach this point. Some of us have been fortunate and aware enough to stop the cycle from reaching that point but I would be very careful about judging anyone's fears regardless of their irrationality because it could quite easily have been one of us at some point.

Anxiety latches on to anything and unfortunately health anxiety in particular is free floating. No sooner do you deal with one fear and another jumps in to take its place. Their tolerance to distress has gotten so low that even the smallest spark is enough to turn into a firestorm.

However I will say that at some point you are going to have to try and break this cycle OP. It is just not possible for you to contract some kind of flesh or brain eating aomeba from treated water and even untreated water the risk is too low to even care about.

As FMP says, your post history is short but it is evidant that your anxiety is free floating and controlling your life. It is time to do something about that.

28-04-18, 16:00
Serious question... You said in a previous post:

I have severe health anxiety and am currently doing CBT.

What exercise/worksheet would you use to rationalize this and how would you fill it out?

Positive thoughts