View Full Version : Keep smelling smoke, other weird issue! Very scared :(

Alisha Fearer
28-04-18, 18:32
Hello again. I’m sorry, I know I have posted things about my health anxiety before and to be honest, I was doing quite well until it came back full force!

Well, I had a really bad cold for weeks, and I’ve only just got better. I feel fine and everything seems back to normal except I keep getting a whiff of this strong smoke smell up my nose that comes out of nowhere, happens for a second then goes away. It is definitely a phantom smell because of its nature and the fact no one else ever smells the smoke and I can’t smell it at all after I have that sudden whiff. It is so scary because I looked it up on google which I know I shouldn’t do, I am very silly and of course on google it told me that phantom smells are caused by epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, neurological damage and the dreaded - BRAIN TUMOUR. In the past, I went through a horrible manic episode of health anxiety where I was convinced I had a brain tumour and it made me very unwell. I was physically sick with anxiety, thinking catastrophic thoughts about having to deal with having cancer, having to have the frightening surgery, just the whole process in general. The thought I could very easily die, basically very doom and gloom.

It got triggered by having constant pains in my head that lasted I think over a week, all day every day I was having all these horrible aches and pains in my head and also mild phantom smells that were changing, like going from things like the smell of laundry detergent, perfume, cheese, dirt. They kept changing but were vague. Luckily all that ended after a while and I was able to let go of my anxiety since my symptoms disappeared but now, I’m having this alarming smoke phantom smell and I’ve had it for days now. It first started with me sitting on the couch and I kept getting that 1-2 second duration of smoke smell on and off in a course of only a few minutes. I’ve never ever had that before. I have actually had a smell of smoke up my nose before but only just once on the very rare occasion, basically like nothing to worry about but now I’m getting it every day. I can have it mild, like just a vague smell of smoke, then it can come very strong. I’m not sure why!! I’m now scared all over again that I have a brain tumour because that’s one of the symptoms, not to mention I’m also getting this weird sweet sensation around the tip of my tongue.

This may sound weird but it’s like...you know when you eat something sweet and you have that sweet taste, it’s like that but without anything sweet being in my mouth. I try drinking non-sweet drinks, washing my mouth out but the sensation of sweetness is just coming and going almost all day long. Stupidly, I looked this up as well on the net and it did say it can be related to “disruptions in the olfactory system” (olfactory being smell) Of course I had a severe cold which has probably caused some damage but it’s the not knowing that’s getting to me. I obviously have no clue what is causing it so it’s making me anxious (thing is, you fear the worst don’t you?) Also it said it can be related to diabetes but I’ve had two blood tests recently in the span of a few months and there’s no signs of any diabetes.

Most things I found related to an unexplained sweet taste are nothing major, but one thing that’s totally freaked me out is the fact when I was looking up about the neurological disorders that are known to cause the sweet taste, one part was about brain tumours :lac: and how they can cause neurological problems that mess up the olfactory system and cause taste issues. So in summary, not only do I keep smelling smoke but also I’ve got a sweet taste/sensation on my tongue and BOTH of those things have been linked to brain tumours!! Can you believe it? So now my fear is full-force and I’m trying to be rational but I am so eager to get my butt to the doctor now on this big mission to get a brain scan.

Sorry if I sound really silly, I do not want sympathy or anything, I know I shouldn’t have googled my symptoms and I should have learned my lesson but it is hard to fight the compulsion sometimes, don’t you fellow HA suffers agree? I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced these symptoms and have any idea of what it could be. I do understand that the bad cold I had could easily have something to do with it but for some reason, that thought isn’t easing my fear and I’m thinking the worst, having catastrophic thoughts. :wacko:

28-04-18, 18:45
HI And welcome aboard to the forums :) Well that's the thing HA is very good at convincing you same as Dr Goggle that is frowned upon by many members on here and yes t's linked to HA which is a rotten condition to deal with on a daily basis/ For this you need to go and see your dr not about a pointless brain scan but ask for help with your HA condition as it's getting really bad now. Of you wont get sympathy from me empathy you will and will give some amount of reassurance too like now you haven't got a tumour full stop but I will only say that once hun take care ATB

28-04-18, 19:23
You had a bad cold, and phantom smells can come on after an upper respiratory infection. I had the same thing and I know I am fine, so I would say you are too. But if you’re worried, go and bring it up with your doctor, but expect him to tell you the same thing I did.

29-04-18, 16:02
Ah, the old phantom smell symptom.... This is what began a particularly bad HA spiral for me last summer, as I was certain I had a brain tumor. I smelled smoke everywhere I went and lost my mind over it. I did have a brain scan, which was perfectly ok. Once the HA had started, though, it wouldn't stop. I moved on to several kinds of cancers, autoimmune diseases, was losing weight, googling like a mad woman, and obsessively checking my body for signs of disease. I don't know how or why the phantom smells began, but I do know they disappeared after I was given the all clear. Anxiety is a powerful thing and can trick you into believing all kinds of catastrophic situations. I got some help by confessing my anxious and obsessional thoughts to my GP and a therapist and am doing much better now, though it is still a journey. DO NOT GOOGLE. It will literally make you sick. Go to doc if you must, and get checked out for peace of mind, but take what they say and believe it. It's the only way to move past this wretched HA.