View Full Version : Great podcasts for HA,OCD and anxiety

28-04-18, 20:40
I haven't posted on here in a while, but feel compelled to post some links that I've found incredibly helpful in dealing with health anxiety and OCD. This is the first time I've found something that really helps to explain anxiety in all it's forms. For me I think it helps to see actual people and therapists talking about anxiety as opposed to reading about it.

I don't want to sound dramatic, but finding this you tube channel has brought about an epiphany for me, maybe I was ready for it, I don't know but I truly hope the links I post will help others recover.

There are so many fantastic videos to watch I have to be careful they don't turn in to an obsession. Anyway here are two but there are loads more.



01-05-18, 08:33
I’m bumping this, as these podcasts have been pivotal in my recovery this time around. Actually seeing people talking as opposed to reading about anxiety has been so helpful. For the first time I feel I really understand what’s going on with my HA thoughts and other intrusive thoughts. Watching them isn’t a magic bullet and there is a lot of hard work to be done, but if you can do it, it’s so worthwhile.

I’m so relieved to have found a way out of the constant battle with health anxiety and intrusive thoughts. Hopefully someone will look at this post and the videos and be helped. Good luck to all.

01-05-18, 10:14
Thank you so much, I’m going to take a listen to these!

05-05-18, 08:32
I’m bumping this again, because I feel it’s crucial to understand that Health anxiety is an OCD subset, and the treatment of exposure response prevention (ERP) really does work. With health anxiety and any other anxiety, if you can learn to live with that anxiety your life will improve in so many ways. It’s not easy, but so worth it if you want to get your life back. Reassurance seeking just makes the problem worse; I know this from first hand experience. Don’t waste any more of your life on it. :yesyes: