View Full Version : Lump above Adams apple

28-04-18, 22:48
I've had health anxiety for several years now, but I've been able to keep it at bay for last last year or so, until recently. I found a lump directly above my Adams apple. It's just slightly to the right, and feels pretty hard. It seemed to pop up over night, and doesn't hurt unless I poke at it for a while. It's about the size of a large pea.

I called my doctor's office to schedule an appointment, but was told he won't be available until May 6th. The receptionist told me I could come in to the urgent care so that's what I did.

The doctor I saw took a look at it and moved it around a little and prodded it with his fingers. He then basically said "I'm not sure, but it could be an ingrown hair.". He seemed more annoyed by me being there than concerned with my lump.

He gave me a prescription for antibiotics and told me it should go away in a few days to a week. That was Thursday and it doesn't seem any smaller.

Now I'm in full blown panic mode, shaking, not eating, not sleeping, and I'm not sure what to do.

I know lumps around the Adams apple can be bad.

I also know that "movable" lumps generally aren't cause for concern, but I'm not sure what that means. It's not attached to my throat bone or Adams apple. I can pull it away from my Adam's apple, but it doesn't move independently of my skin, if that makes any sense. Is that what they mean by "movable".

I can't see any redness or irritated hair follicle like you would expect from an ingrown hair. The doctor said there aren't any lymph nodes located there either.

I'm not even sure why I'm posting this. I just don't know what else to do. I'm trying to keep myself together in front of my family, but I can feel myself slipping further and further into this hole.

28-04-18, 23:02
The doctor said there aren't any lymph nodes located there either.

I'm not even sure why I'm posting this. I just don't know what else to do. I'm trying to keep myself together in front of my family, but I can feel myself slipping further and further into this hole.

Take the meds, don't poke and prod it and see your doctor if it's still there a couple of weeks after you finish the meds.

Positive thoughts

28-04-18, 23:16
Take the meds, don't poke and prod it and see your doctor if it's still there a couple of weeks after you finish the meds.

Positive thoughts

Thanks for the reply. I know logically it makes no sense to get worked up over this. Even if it is something sinister, there is nothing that can be done about it right now.

It's just so hard to talk myself back down when my anxiety gets this bad.

I really appreciate you taking the time to reply, thanks again.

29-04-18, 05:04
I had something similar in a similar area a few years ago (don't remember it super clearly but what you describe sounds familiar). Doctor told me the same thing. I don't know if that's what it was but it isn't important, what is important is that I poked and prodded at it probably every day for like several months until I finally stopped. Once I stopped it went away, the poking at it kept it from healing.

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29-04-18, 06:05
I had something similar in a similar area a few years ago (don't remember it super clearly but what you describe sounds familiar). Doctor told me the same thing. I don't know if that's what it was but it isn't important, what is important is that I poked and prodded at it probably every day for like several months until I finally stopped. Once I stopped it went away, the poking at it kept it from healing.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

Thank you. I'm going to try my hardest not to touch it and if it doesn't go away by time my primary doctor is available again I'll make another appointment.

29-04-18, 06:41
Of course. Definitely see the doctor if it's still there as instructed. Just remember poking won't cure it! [emoji111]️. (easier said than done I know!)

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30-03-20, 21:06
Hey, did you ever find out what this was? I feel like I have the same thing it’s very movable and above the adam’s apple but midline of my neck. I’m kind of not sure if it’s been there forever but it’s giving me some anxiety along with a lymph node that popped up near my jaw a month ago. Thankfully the lymph node hasn’t changed but still.