View Full Version : Squeak when I breathe in

29-04-18, 02:59

I have had health anxiety for about 12 years, but just joined the board today. I

My anxiety is currently caused by something that has been happening off and on for 5-6 months. Sometimes when I take a deep breath in, I hear a little squeak. It will happen several times a day for a day or two and then I won’t hear it again for several weeks. My doctor did not hear it when I went in. I normally immediately think every single “symptom” points to cancer, but I’m only slightly worried about that (I think the hypnosis I’ve been doing might be helping). I do have LPR reflux and I wonder if it could be related to that. I often feel like I can’t breathe (though not when I’m hearing the squeaking) and I don’t know if that’s anxiety, reflux or maybe I have something like COPD and that is causing this intermittent noise. I’m 52, very thin and fit and have never smoked.

Any ideas on what this could be or how worried I should be. My husband is much older than me and has a “mass” that needs to be removed and biopsied so I would rather focus on his needs right now if I can stop worrying about this for a few weeks.

Thank you for any insights.

29-04-18, 09:25
I've got asthma, and I experience it often. It's like when I breath in or out, I hear whistling, that's when I know that I need to take medicine. I would get checked in that direction if I were you.

29-04-18, 17:20
I often get this, I don't have asthma but do have allergies. It's always worse in the summer.

Doesn't sound like anything to worry about. I also have reflux so could be that as well.

It's probably something a lot of people have but don't notice because they don't analyse every noise or symptom from their body in the way those of us with HA do.