View Full Version : major depression back :( restarting ADs

29-04-18, 08:21
Hi everyone,

I’m 31 and have a history of major depression and anxiety including one hospital admission for this back in 2012. I’ve been on citalopram but when I was admitted this got changed to duloxetine for a while - it was a slow recovery but duloxetine seemed to keep me stable for about 5 years and during this period I got married, did well at work and felt basically normal! However we have been trying to conceive for 2 years (I have endometriosis which seems to be causing difficulties) and are starting IVF very soon. I weaned myself off duloxetine very gradually which went okay but about A month after being completely off it started to feel depressive symptoms creeping in. I panicked and took 60mg duloxetine to try to stave this off but cos my body had been off it it sent me into major anxiety and total insomnia. I perserved for a few days with diazepam but it was unbearable so my GP suggested I try Mirtazapine instead. For the first few days it was great - I slept for the first time in days and felt able to go back to work but now 3 weeks (on 15mg) in I’m still anxious and have broken sleep and wake up early like 6am and can’t get back over. Then feel weird during the day - anxious and dizzy. This weekend has been awful as the early waking just means the day is so long and I don’t know what to do with myself! Struggling to cope with how I feel and don’t know whether to continue with Mirtazapine and give it a fair trial or try to brave duloxetine again as I know it worked in the past... urgh so many decisions and so hard to make the right one! Also just find it so hard to pass the day at the weekend as I’m awake so early :( have really found reading everyone else’s experiences helpful so thanks all for sharing x

29-04-18, 08:31
Hiya lawstars and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

06-05-18, 13:26
Good Morning lawstars

I hate reading situations like yours it tears my heart up to see people that want nothing more than a "normal" life struggle like this. I can't really suggest anything in the medication area. But I will say using breathing and meditation have really helped me on my journey. There are some good helps here that can get you started.

Also know that you are still blessed with the love of a spouse and the support of your medical team. As far as getting up early, think about making use of that time creating a journal and writing down your feelings or maybe take an early morning stroll. Little things to occupy that time constructively instead of worrying.

Lawstars I wish you nothing but the best on your journey. Keep fighting the good fight and use NMP as a guide and resource.