View Full Version : Are these symptoms really from anxiety? HELP!

28-04-18, 07:55
Hey all. New poster so please be kind.

Over the last year my body has gone to poop! Ill start back probably a year or so ago I felt a small lump on the right side of my neck, doctor said it was just a lymph node and said to come back in 6 weeks if it didn't go away, if I'm being honest I was actually clueless about lymph nodes :shrug: and then is when my health anxiety begun! I stupidly searched the internet and looked into it way more than I should have! I then started checking my whole body for lumps and bumps and of course I ended up finding some, it was like a daily routine, still is :meh:

Long story short that lymph node never went down, 3 more came along on the right side along with two small ones above each ear, I had a ultrasound last year in November that showed the biggest was only 4mm, my doctor wasn't concerned due to the size but I still was only reason being is how poorly I've been feeling for the last few months, the right side of my neck and going around the back constantly aches every single day, it goes down and across the right shoulder and there is days when my right arm going numb and heavy and I have to shake it out. I'm forever getting headaches and pains around the right temple that goes around the ear and down the back of my head, it feels like pressure and sometimes a squeezing feeling, I had a CT of the brain, a x-ray of the TM join and a ultrasound of the parotid gland and all three came back normal. My right ear almost has this fullness feeling, my throat has a deep ache that comes and goes but is there more than not. My right breast is always sore and aching ( breast clinic aren't concerned after ultrasound was normal besides a axillary lymph node that was seen within which none mentioned so I assume it was within normal limits. I often get chest pains and feel easily out of breath and feel as if I cannot get enough air into my lungs, I understand that could of course be due to anxiety. The right side of my groin area going along to my hip is sore on and off, like a deep annoying ache! I have a lymph node that I can feel in my groin area but it is only small. I'm forever tired like you would not believe, I have no stamina left! I'm on iron tablets and have been for the last 5 weeks after my blood test showed low iron levels. I'm not usually a drinker but last week I had a few drinks and my neck, down both arms down my back and ache just ached so bad, it felt like my muscles were cramped up, it only lasted 15 minutes but was enough to not have another drink, of course I looked up alcohol induced pain and what it could be and saw lymphoma!! Last week I had a ultrasound which they covered the whole neck, the right side showed the sizes ranged from 4-8mm and the left side which I hadn't checked showed the biggest at 9mm, still not over 1cm but I'm so so concerned. Night sweats come and go I defiantly don't have them every night and I occasionally get a low grade fever.

My anxiety is through the roof, I'm so unhappy and cannot enjoy life these days, at the front on my mind is always worry, I'm miserable! Any advice? should I push for a CT of the neck and chest? Should I see a ENT or push for a biopsy for peace of mind? My mind is all over the place and any advice would be appreciated. Sorry for the novel :huh:, CJ.

28-04-18, 09:53

Have you had a complete blood screen done if so what were the results?

I'm not a Dr but your symptoms sound rather like something autoimmune, maybe CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). There is a blood test you can have to check the ANA's (autoimmune antibodies) and something may show up there. Sometimes you can have autoimmune conditions and be sero-negative as well, so the blood test is only a maybe indicator.

You can have all your symptoms with CFS or Fibromyalgia.

I have CFS but haven't had all the symptoms you have, but I know others that have, especially at the beginning of the condition. The raised lymph nodes and low level fevers sound familiar, along with depression.

It's worth looking into, mention it to your Dr.

28-04-18, 10:16
Just some perspective. Nodes are a big topic on the boards. We have 400-600 nodes ranging from mm up to 2cm. You said the largest node was 9mm. You admit to poking and prodding which causes nodes to react, swell and become shotty (I know... you weren't poking that side but still). I had Head and Neck cancer. When they biopsied the clearly visible node in my neck it was in the 3cm range. By the time I went into surgery, it looked like I had the mumps on the side of my neck. They removed two nodes over 5cm!

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

In the year since this started, you'd be very ill. I don't doubt you're feeling poorly but IMO, that's not cancer you're describing. You've had a plethora of expensive and very accurate tests. They would have found something medically by now (they did in your iron deficiency). Concerning your night sweats? I had them. Still do. Unless you're literally soaking the bed to where you have to change the sheets in the middle of the night, nearly every night, that's not night sweats. Then there's the fact you're posting on an anxiety forum.

I hope you get some answers and find a way to resolve your symptoms but IMHO, you can take lymphoma off the table.

Positive thoughts

28-04-18, 11:21

Have you had a complete blood screen done if so what were the results?

I'm not a Dr but your symptoms sound rather like something autoimmune, maybe CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). There is a blood test you can have to check the ANA's (autoimmune antibodies) and something may show up there. Sometimes you can have autoimmune conditions and be sero-negative as well, so the blood test is only a maybe indicator.

You can have all your symptoms with CFS or Fibromyalgia.

I have CFS but haven't had all the symptoms you have, but I know others that have, especially at the beginning of the condition. The raised lymph nodes and low level fevers sound familiar, along with depression.

It's worth looking into, mention it to your Dr.

Oh yes apologies I have had a full blood count which came back all within normal
limits. My B12 was also checked which came back on the lower side so I have been getting injections for that. I’m so so guilty of searching the internet and came across that people have had lymphoma and their bloods came back fine. If you go through my history you will see lymphoma multiple times I won’t even lie! Is it possible to read/think into something so much you make yourself believe you have a condition which can then lead to certain symptoms?
With the autoimmune my doctor tested me for that last week after my grandmother mentioned having that checked as she herself has it. I’m back to the doctor for the results next Tuesday for the results!
Thank you for your response!

---------- Post added at 10:21 ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 ----------

Just some perspective. Nodes are a big topic on the boards. We have 400-600 nodes ranging from mm up to 2cm. You said the largest node was 9mm. You admit to poking and prodding which causes nodes to react, swell and become shotty (I know... you weren't poking that side but still). I had Head and Neck cancer. When they biopsied the clearly visible node in my neck it was in the 3cm range. By the time I went into surgery, it looked like I had the mumps on the side of my neck. They removed two nodes over 5cm!

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

In the year since this started, you'd be very ill. I don't doubt you're feeling poorly but IMO, that's not cancer you're describing. You've had a plethora of expensive and very accurate tests. They would have found something medically by now (they did in your iron deficiency). Concerning your night swears? I had them. Still do. Unless you're literally soaking the bed to where you have to change the sheets in the middle of the night, nearly every night, that's not night sweats. Then there's the fact you're posting on an anxiety forum.

I hope you get some answers and find a way to resolve your symptoms but IMHO, you can take lymphoma off the table.

Positive thoughts

Oh no no, in that case it’s a no for night sweats, I haven’t had to change the sheets for that ever. I’m at a loss with what to do next, I’ve had countless tests/scans with not many answers, I’m aware that some people just get chronic pain with no real reason for it, or my symptoms are just from being so anxious all day everyday, sad though as I’m only 23 and I’m experiencing so much discomfort day in day out. I’ve change my diet, tried stretching, being more active, even went and got a new bed mattress and changed the position I slept, quit smoking after 8 years in the end I was such a heavy smoker and wondered if that could of been why my throat was always aching but nothing, no difference. I’ve been put onto endep recently for the pain and for anxiety. So here’s to hoping right. Any idea what the fullness feeling in my ear and ache in my throat could possibly be from?
Thank you for your response! I really do appreciate the reassurance that lymphoma is very unlikely.

28-04-18, 11:25
With the autoimmune my doctor tested me for that last week after my grandmother mentioned having that checked as she herself has it. I’m back to the doctor for the results next Tuesday for the results!
Thank you for your response!

You can have autoimmune stuff and still have normal ANA's, so don't discount it. I've had CFS for over 25 years and nothing has ever shown up in my bloods.

Good that you've made the AI connection with your grandmother as it is genetically linked.

Fishmanpa's advice is very good, you don't have lymphoma, so you can quit worrying about that.

Let us know what shows up in your bloods.

28-04-18, 11:32
You can have autoimmune stuff and still have normal ANA's, so don't discount it. I've had CFS for over 25 years and nothing has ever shown up in my bloods.

Good that you've made the AI connection with your grandmother as it is genetically linked.

Fishmanpa's advice is very good, you don't have lymphoma, so you can quit worrying about that.

Let us know what shows up in your bloods.

Interesting! I will keep you updated on it! Thank you for the reassurance it really does go a long way.

29-04-18, 09:25
Hey there!

The last year of my life has been a living hell! The last few months have been the absolute worst and I’m at my lowest point and clueless on what to do next. Every single ache, twinge or discomfort I get I instantly think the worst thing possible, CANCER. I have such a fear of it, it’s taking over my life! I have two beautiful children and a wonderful partner but I am constantly feeling so low and can’t enjoy this life I have been blessed :weep: I just want to smile and laugh and be happy again not constantly worrying that something is wrong and it’s been missed!!

Day in and day out I am so sore and uncomfortable and beyond tired, my stamina is gone, i get head pains starting from the right temple down around my ear and down the back of my head, it’s like a pressure/deep ache feeling, I have a fullness feeling in my
ear and a on again off again deep ache in my throat, the right side of my neck going down my back and across my shoulder is always so sore and stiff, I get random pins and needles and a heavy feeling in my right arm that I have to shake out to stop it, my right breast is forever aching non-cyclical pain that goes up towards my under arm, I have been seen by the breast clinic who are not concerned just a follow up ultrasound in a few weeks but my last one 3 months ago was clear ( ive read stress and anxiety can cause breast pain is this correct ? ) going further down my right rib area is also always sore and aching and it’s goes around to the back and then down to the lower back, hip groin and thigh! And let’s not forget the awful chest pains and feeling so easily out of breath like I cannot get enough air in sometimes!
So yes my whole right side is aching, sore, uncomfortable and tender day in day out. I’ve changed my diet, the way I sleep, got more active, rested, tried stretching even got a new bed mattress, upped my vitamins but nothing, no changes! I’m at a loss, I’ve had countless ultrasounds on the areas of concern which have showed some lymphnodes which I can feel but the biggest is only 9mm. I’ve had a CT of the brain which was normal and a X-ray of the chest and rib, also clear. Full blood count normal besides low iron.
Could this all be caused from severe anxiety? I’m a googler, won’t even lie :unsure: I can worry myself sick! I’ve been put onto endep to help with the pain and help with the anxiety to early to tell if it’s helping yet though! Any advice or even just some reassurance would be greatly appreciated! If you have been at rock bottom before and are doing and handling this horrible thing called anxiety and have some tips on how to mange it or even a success story on how you over came it! I’m at a loss and so so miserable. I MISS THE OLD HAPPY CARE FREE ME! So does my partner :weep:
Thanks! CJ

29-04-18, 09:34

I thought we addressed a lot of this in your previous post? People gave you their thoughts, experience and support, how many times do you need to hear this by changing the thread?

You won't get many responses if you ignore peoples help and support in the first place, as they will feel ignored!

29-04-18, 09:39

I thought we addressed a lot of this in your previous post? People gave you their thoughts, experience and support, how many times do you need to hear this by changing the thread?

You won't get many responses if you ignore peoples help and support in the first place, as they will feel ignored!

With all do respect my post is going into more detail about my symptoms, my last post was worried about lymphoma, as yourself and the other poster stated it was highly highly unlikely the case! You gave me a suggestion on what it could be and to look into it, which I appreciate and will be! But I’m asking for advice on how to deal with health anxiety and gave an overal of the situation,symptoms feelings and thoughts! I meant no harm by doing so! I’m at rock bottom and seeking more advice or stories from other posters. I’m also clearly asking if what Im feeling is the signs and brought on by anxiety itself! Not just asking if it sounds like lymphoma. I apologise if I have offended you.

29-04-18, 10:07
No offence taken, but I wondering f you would have been wiser to have just added to you original thread then people have continuation with your issues. You may find that it becomes combined with your original anyway.

29-04-18, 13:18

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.