View Full Version : Broken blood vessel in eye when is it too frequent!

29-04-18, 17:01
So just wanted to get some advice as I have had a few instances of broken blood vessels in my eye.

I've had four in total but 3 of them in the last 3 and a bit years.

The last two have been very minor and I have a really prominent blood vessel in my eye (always had it) which is where the last two have occurred. The last time I had one I'd had really dry/watery eyes the day before and they were sore as I'd been rubbing them a lot. I woke up in the morning and had a small blob in my eye which cleared in a few days. Today I was taking my make up off and again rubbing my eyes and a while later I looked in the mirror and could see a small amount of blood coming from the prominent blood vessel. It's very tiny about the size of a pin head.

When it first happened I went to the GP and they weren't concerned but when you read on line it says if it occurs regularly it could be caused by other things like clotting disorders/blood conditions, diabetes etc.

Would you consider yearly regularly? I'm pretty sure on the last two occasions I've caused them by rubbing my eyes and I suffer from very dry eyes which doesn't help.

Just wanted some advice.

29-04-18, 17:11
Would you consider yearly regularly? I'm pretty sure on the last two occasions I've caused them by rubbing my eyes and I suffer from very dry eyes which doesn't help.

I wouldn't consider that regularly at all. Once a month maybe but not a year and not due to a pre-existing condition (dry eyes) and catalyst (rubbing them).

Positive thoughts

29-04-18, 17:19
No it’s not regular. I’ve had a few in the last couple of years and can nearly always put it down to rubbing too hard.

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29-04-18, 20:35
Thanks for the replies I just wanted to check.

Think I might need to get some eye drops my eyes always feel dry and irritated! Probably too long on Dr Google diagnosing myself with anything and everything! :roflmao: