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18-07-07, 07:12
My Husband and i were talking last night about when our kids were little they are now 30 and 27, there is one thing i'll never forget my youngest son said to me when he was about 5 after being naughty that had me in stitches this is how the coversation went.

Me--- please go to your bedroom and you will saty there until i say you can come down, you are not going out to play.

Son --- I'll jump out my window

Me-- if you jump out of your window you will break your legs

son---- ok then i'll jump out yours......................... :lac:

Have you anything funny to say about your kids

18-07-07, 07:55
Haha that made me proper laugh out loud!! :yesyes:

Great story!

18-07-07, 07:59
You should have been there julie, it was hilarious:sign20:

Kids, don't you just love em :)

18-07-07, 09:37
Haha! great logic!:D , hope your legs are ok Nanny? :yahoo: x

18-07-07, 09:42
Hi dave :)

My legs are just fine :sign20:

18-07-07, 09:57
Lol Nanny

Apologies to anyone with a sensitive tum here

This story reminds me of a rather gross story when my eldest daughter was 3, my pet hate is nose picking we all know kids love doing it but one day I caught my daughter with her finger up her little nostrils when I asked her not to pick her nose she told me " mummy I'm not picking I'm stopping my snot from coming down!!!!"

Well I guess there is logic there for a 3 year old !!!! lol

Apologies again for the grossness of this

Brightest Blessings
Mystics :flowers:

18-07-07, 09:59
Mystics :sign20:

well what she was saying was true hey :D :D :D

18-07-07, 15:53
Hasn't anyone any stories :shrug: if so write them down and make us smile :)

18-07-07, 18:19
A few months ago when Erin was 10 she asked me if a 'man hole cover' was a durex :wacko:

Not too sure she understood the sex education lessons she did at school this year lol

Trac xxx

18-07-07, 18:26
LOL Trace !!:sign20:

I can remember my Daughter when she was only around 6 asking my mum (her grandma)what it was like in the black and white days !!

My mum was puzzled but we learnt later that my mum had been showing her some old black and white photos and she honestly thought everything was black and white in the olden days !!:ohmy:


18-07-07, 18:44
I remember when my son Charlie was very small, he said to my husband and me, what shall i be when i grow up? so we said to him son be whatever makes you happy. He thought a while then said ok im gonna be a Clown!

He was sooooo cute! Not so now hes a teenager! Grrrrrr! Although he is quite funny so theres still hope.

18-07-07, 19:57
A few years ago I made the children in my class a set of piegeon holes so they could write letters to me and each other in secret if they wanted to.

A girl came to me one morning and said 'Miss, why haven't I had my homework sticker this week?' I said 'Because I haven't received your homework' so she said 'Well... I have no idea why not because I know for a fact that I put it in your chicken hole for you'.

She couldn't understand why I was laughing so much I was crying.

18-07-07, 20:51
hi there

well last week my daughter who is 26 sent a text asking "whats for dinner mom"
well i couldnt be bothered to text it all so i just sent "fowl" instead of chicken
she sent back "whats that"
ive never laughed so much
denise xx

18-07-07, 21:11
My eldest little un is 9 and just beginning to be curious about the facts of life. She has a very basic book that tells her that grown ups sometimes have a 'very special kind of cuddle'
She asked me 'have you ever had one of those grown up cuddles with Uncle A?'
When I laughed and said no, she then went onto say 'Has dad ever had one with Aunitie B?' I continued to laugh and say no that we wouldn't be very happy about that.
She then looks at me in disgust and says 'do YOU and DAD have them?' when I reply yes she says
so it is ok for us to go with our respective in laws but not each other! LOL

18-07-07, 21:16
My son had his puberty talk in class before he left primary school. Being as I thought, an open minded parent I asked if there was anything he didnt understand.

'No...it was fine' he replied....'but really unfair cos the girls got a free panty liner and the boys never!!'

Not so sure he did understand after all lol....though hopefully he does now!

Coni X

19-07-07, 07:50
I really enjoyed reading those posts :D :D

You can rely on kids to make you laugh :)