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View Full Version : Might have swallowed pieces of glass, extremely paranoid about voice

29-04-18, 20:01
Hey guys I'm new here but I just had a huge panic attack today that I'm still kind of in so I was wondering if you guys could help me out.

Today when reaching for a glass in the cabinet to get water to take my medicine, I had to move another glass out of the way. As I took my glass out I accidentally tipped another glass and it fell and shattered on the counter, right below where I was holding my glass with my hand. Since I had my medication in my mouth I decided I'll clean it up after I get some water and take my medication. However after drinking my water I started to think that pieces of tiny glass could have got in my glass from the shattering because there were many tiny pieces everywhere on the ground and counter as I came to find. I did not have my eyeglasses on during this shattering/drinking water so my vision was very blurry and I really have no idea if glass shards were in my cup or not. I already have had a cough for a few days so I can't even tell if my throat irritation is from the glass or my cough.

My voice is very important to me as I sing/record my own music, and I am just completely dreading getting some sort of throat/vocal cord bleeding from this to permanently damage my voice. I can't afford surgery or anything and this really is messing with my will to even live right now. Can someone please give me any real insight or reassurance? Thank you

29-04-18, 20:14
So you're saying the glass that fell and shattered may have thrown a minuscule piece of glass that you didn't see, jumped up from the counter back into the glass you were using to take your meds and then cut your throat? That about right?

In the anxious state you're in, can you perceive it from my perspective?

Positive thoughts

29-04-18, 20:18
So you're saying the glass that fell and shattered may have thrown a minuscule piece of glass that you didn't see, jumped up from the counter back into the glass you were using to take your meds and then cut your throat? That about right?

In the anxious state you're in, can you perceive it from my perspective?

Positive thoughts

Yes I am. I was holding my cup to drink in my hand as the shattering happened. I feel like it could happen, right? There were very tiny pieces that were still very sharp on the ground and countertop. I know I am anxious but I am just scared of this possibility. I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't just take another glass from the cabinet to use just in case.

29-04-18, 20:28
a tiny piece of glass would just pass through your system even if you did swallow any, which you woldn't have done

29-04-18, 20:30
I feel like it could happen, right?

You could say the same about a lightning strike.

Positive thoughts

29-04-18, 20:44
You could say the same about a lightning strike.

Positive thoughts

I guess that's true, thank you. I just am paranoid about the close proximity I held my cup as the other glass shattered.

15-07-18, 22:51
Today is a hot day (about 100 degrees Fahrenheit) and we haven't run AC in our house all day, so it is hot in the house. I had left a glass out on the table that I drank water from a few hours earlier. The glass had gotten much warmer as I left it out in the hot temperature and I took it and used it to drink about 4-5 cups of filtered water from the fridge dispenser, which is apparently 30-40 degrees Fahrenheit. Can this sudden continuous temperature difference to cold cause the glass to crack, where I could possibly have swallowed small shards of glass? There are no obvious signs it caused the glass to crack but my wild mind keeps seeing the possibility, and I feel like I take precautions in the future (which might be wasteful and time consuming) since I am unsure about the truth. Can anyone give me their thoughts on this scenario please. Thanks

15-07-18, 23:03
There are no obvious signs it caused the glass to crack

So if there are no signs, did the grass truly crack?

Positive thoughts

15-07-18, 23:15
So if there are no signs, did the grass truly crack?

Positive thoughts

nothing obvious but I feel like I'm not confident enough to know for sure. I don't think I've seen anyone do this scenario before and haven't consciously done it myself, so I'm unsure if it is a safe thing to do

15-07-18, 23:25
Respectfully, like your previous thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=216963), this just happens to be your fear du jour. Frankly, and I do believe you know deep down as well, this is impossible.

What are you currently doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

15-07-18, 23:33

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

15-07-18, 23:48
Respectfully, like your
What are you currently doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

My instinctive feeling is that nothing happened or else I would have reacted differently, but I'm always just fearing the worst possible scenarios. When I get doubts I do research online and once I see that something is theoretically possible that will drive my judgment. I feel if I don't stay vigilant I could easily unknowingly do something harmful, yet I don't know how I made it this long in life by not ever doing something like this, or I wasn't as conscious about doing it.
I try to stay mindful and let time run its course. Life has always been this infinite mess of possibilities that we are always unconsciously creating through our existence and our agendas, I struggle with finding that agenda in life currently so every action I take is less about me wanting to do A to get B, and more about if I do this how will the universe react. It makes perfect sense to me I feel like I need to accept and embrace it to truly get over it.

16-07-18, 00:05
I appreciate your open and honest response. It would interesting to get a trained psychologist's take on it. What is the root of this fear/behavior? Did something happen that was a catalyst? If you're not currently doing so, I would highly advise real life professional help to explore this mindset that obviously is holding you back and how you can change it.

Positive thoughts

16-07-18, 00:24
I appreciate your open and honest response. It would interesting to get a trained psychologist's take on it. What is the root of this fear/behavior? Did something happen that was a catalyst? If you're not currently doing so, I would highly advise real life professional help.

Positive thoughts

Thank you. I am in the process of seeing a psychologist soon. Well the root is an attachment to my voice and singing/making music, as I've got older I've felt more pressure on myself to get better. This has caused me to always want to drink a lot of water to maintain vocal health, and anything else to optimize my ability such as avoiding smoking being around smoke etc. I have struggled for years to find friends who are passionate for music as I am so this has felt like a lonely personal struggle which is why I feel I am so protective and fearful, I feel like I will be the only one who will live with anything going wrong, and I have no friends with similar interests/cares to show me a greater real life perspective. These fears have gotten worse as I've been living at home with my parents the past couple years out of college, as I've felt very stuck and stressed from being around them so much.