View Full Version : What help do u get?

18-07-07, 10:11
Hiya all

I was just wondering what help people get, who they get it from, if they pay for it and how long they have had to wait for it.:shrug:
Many thanks:hugs:

18-07-07, 11:10
Hi Blackie

Over the last 8 years i have had councilling, phsyciatric Care,,Community Care, Anxiety management,Occupational Therapy and CBT through the NHS, i have also had Hypnotherapy which i paid for myself.

I dont think i could have got to where i am today without all the help i have had from the services i have used and also support from this site, im very greatful that where i live i havent had to wait months for appointments.


18-07-07, 11:56
Hello all,

From about 2 months I have my own therapist but he is not a very good help unfortuneatly :( Some time ago I bought recovery program from No Panic and I'm trying to menage my pbobia with this. I want to also go to a doc and ask for cbt available for me.

18-07-07, 13:10
In the beginning I had to wait ages for any help. After visits to my GP, she finally referred me for specialist help in the May and I began to get that the following February!

That was an occupational therapist who I had for 6 months. That was in 2005 and I've a few more sessions with her this year too.

I'm paying out for psychotherapy and I've been regularly for well over two years now.

Take Care

18-07-07, 14:32
Hi Blackie,

I've had psycologists, and a psycotherapist both did CBT with me, but currently I have an occupational therapist and a home support worker who takes me out usually once a week.

All therapy has been through the NHS, although the home support service is social services. I was referred to that service by the NHS.

Heather x