View Full Version : Greetings and Salutations :)

Anxious Smurfette
30-04-18, 01:40

Newbie here, I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Jane, I am 30 years old and I live in Canada with my amazing, supportive fiancé. I am Irish, I moved here just over two years ago and I am in the process of applying for permanent residency, which in itself is an exceptional stressful experience, especially for someone that doesn’t like not being in control. :)

I have been a chronic worrier since I popped out of the womb. My particular brand of quirkiness is Generalised Anxiety Disorder. I was diagnosed over 10 years ago and my GAD is usually accompanied by panic disorder and ritualistic OCD behaviours. I usually know my triggers and how to manage them; few people ever know I have GAD or OCD. Anyone that does know me though knows that I am a sensitive soul.

Four months ago, while embarking on the permanent residency adventure, my health insurance ran out thus we pay out of pocket for a few more months until local medical becomes available. My worries about that, combined with the sudden death of my fiancés 20 year old niece due to an embolism, sent me spiralling on a downward path of severe health anxiety.
I do not take medication, I try to manage it through a regime of exercise to get my BMI down and work on my weight, yoga, healthy eating, and chamomile tea.

When I have completed the process of PR and have medical sorted out, I plan to speak to a mental health practitioner about CBT to try and get things under control once and for all.

I am a cup half full girl with a wonderful life and a supportive family back home in Ireland, but I am finding it more and more difficult to not focus on physical manifestations of anxiety. It consumes my thoughts constantly. I have always been petrified about the thought of death, the one inevitable thing in life and now with health anxiety I am constantly worried that I am going to die imminently.

Most days I can recognize that my mind is spiralling and my own worst enemy, but some days are harder than others, particularly when I am experiencing pain and defer to Dr. Google.

I am hoping that by sharing experiences with likeminded individuals, I will realise I am not alone in this struggle. :)

30-04-18, 01:56
Hiya Anxious Smurfette and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Anxious Smurfette
30-04-18, 02:46
Thank you so much! I have been reading the resources and information on this site and I do find it very encouraging and helpful. :) It is nice to have a community that understands.