View Full Version : Lump on top of ear - help.

30-04-18, 12:05
I just noticed a lump on top op my ear, I am freaking out afraid it’s cancer!

It’s not hot, it’s not super hard but pretty hard and it hurts a bit if I press in on it. I’m hoping it’s a zit or anything els than cancer


30-04-18, 12:32
OK, lets play the 'logic game'....:winks:

This lump appeared suddenly - you just noticed it right. Would a cancerous tumour appear really suddenly and be about (trying to guess the size) 0.5 cm across?

* Now you answer that - no, is that answer.

Is this even a likely place for a cancerous tumour to appear, under the skin just above your ear? Bearing in mind that is no evidence of a mole above it, or skin changes or any other symptoms.

*Answer - no it s not.

So, its not a cancerour tumour. What is a likely explanation for the lump, the MOST likely set of explanations even? Bearing in mind, if you press it it hurts....

*Now you answer that - it could be a spot (that s pretty likely right!), an infected hair follicle, a tiny injury that has swollen up, an insect bite, a fatty lump (lipoma), a small cyst. It could be any manner of small changes to the body which occur from time to time.

So, What do you do ? Monitor it every day, check if it gets hot or red, or gets larger, or looks infected. See if it changes and gets much worse, or if it starts to get better. Forget about it apart from that one/two looks a day.

30-04-18, 12:33
You just described a zit for goodness sakes :doh:

Positive thoughts

30-04-18, 12:47
Hahaha Carys that made me laugh, thanks guys.

The last two days my anxiety level has been trough the roof, and no logic thinking is happening apparently. Normally my HA don’t involve my skin or zits, so when I freaked out over a mosquito bite on my leg the other day I knew something was wrong.

My brain is super creative and I keep imagining how this tiny thing is metastasis or something, hope I’ll get all this under control fast!

02-05-18, 22:46
Yep, almost certainly not cancer. As always, keep an eye on it for a few days, but it'll disappear and become a distant memory soon enough.