View Full Version : I cant be honest with them

18-07-07, 11:20

Ive not been honest with my Phyciatrist or Sycologist for the past 6 months if not more. I really need to and when i have an appointment to see them i say to myself "be honest with them tell them how bad you feel" but i cant.

To cut along story short i used to see a different phyciatrist who was sahould i say quite blunt and rude and threatening saying " i dont know what power he has" and "he could do anything he wanted" !! like put me in hospital for a medication change ??????

So after weeks of worrying that the men in white coats would come to the door and take me away. So eventually i went to my local Dr whos such a lovely lady and confided in her about what had happend ( she was very annoyed and wrote a letter on my behalf to the phyciatrist expressing how angry she was) So a new phyciatist was appointed for me along with a sycologist for CBT.

Because im so scared of them putting me away like that other dr boasted he could do. I cant be honest so i just say im feeling so much better and im enjoying life. BIG FAT LIE !!!
Then i get home and im a complete wreck, i get panic attacks still along with palpataions along with breathing problems. Im scared to go out on my own.
I should be taking Citalopram but i have a phobia about tablet taking, although i do take 15mg mirtazapine at night. They think ive been taking the citalopram for the past 8 months!
What should i do ??


18-07-07, 11:55
Hiya hun
Sorry to hear you had such a bad time with your last Phyciatrist. That really is not on. To get someone put into hospital cant be done by just one doctor. It takes a doctor, nurse and social worker who all asses the situation and listen to your veiws. Tell your new pyyciatrist about the promblems you had with the last one and how you feel you find it hard to trust again. Also be honest about the medication. Its you chose weather you take it or not but they do need to know if you are or not. When i was first put on tablets i was terrified. After a while it was compltly fine and i now feel comfortable taking them. It really did help to lift my mood and reduce the anxiety although this does vary from person to person.
Lieing about the way you are feeling will make things worse as your not getting the benfit out of the help you are being given as they dont know what the promblems are.
I know its hard hun, esspacially after such a ununderstanding phyciatrist but trust me, they are not all like that. Lots of hugs. Take your time with it.
Take care

18-07-07, 12:23
Wow you have done well for not taking the meds really as they dont work for everyone. Tell them you havnt taken them and that you would rather wait and see how you get on with the CBT first. I find most phyciatrists only seem to prescribe meds that seems to be there answer to everything. But the phycologists who do the CBT prefer to try everything els before drugs. They cant put you away for no rason, Mony in the health service is so short there are a lot of bad ill people walking around who should be locked up but shortage hospital places. going to the phyciatrist is your choice and you dont even need to go if you choose, so how can they put you away. take care hope you feel better soon . Vernon

18-07-07, 12:45
Thanks Guys,

Well i will give it a go and try and be honest ?? :blush: I want to get better but at my level not theirs. I feel they try to rush you and get tablets down your neck as quick as possible.

I am my own person and i can make up my own mind ( i keep saying to my self)

I will keep you posted


18-07-07, 19:35

I think you really need to open up to people and tell them how you really feel. Get it all out in the open.

They are not going to be mad at you for that or pretending you were on the meds.

Unless you are honest and accept the help then it could be a long recovery.

It could be for the best and really help once you open up to people and tell them what you fear and how you feel etc.

18-07-07, 21:51
hi soggy,sorry to hear ya had such a hard time with ya phyc....well ok start fresh as we know honesty is the best policy...as everyone said you have to be honest they will not send the white coats...once you open up and be honest you will be on your way to recovery and for yourself you will feel alot better about yaself also.......i use to do the same thing tell them i was taking the pills when i wasnt then decided to be honest i was only hurting myself by lyeing i just dont want to take them thats it...they work for some and some they dont.try ya cbt and open up i know you will feel alot better letting it out.in a calm way..wish ya the best.....Linda