View Full Version : When health anxiety creeps in everything else in life seems to just melt away.

30-04-18, 19:06
I have always been a largely "future focused" person... maybe a dreamer.. of my career, of my future lover, of trips that I would take....

When health anxiety creeps in I find it so hard to deal because I fear I won't have a future. Despite me knowing this thought is irrational until ..when/if I am diagnosed with something.. I can't seem to stop feeling so extremely defeated.
I am so nervous that I have been misdiagnosed twice and the doctors may have missed a nodular mole. I am a mess.. I recently overlooked an email and missed a really important meeting.. I spend most days crying thinking that I am not well enough to even leave the house. I also recently began spending hours putting on make up and doing my hair.. I don't know what this ritual is. Maybe I feel that if I look pretty I can hide.

Has anyone else felt this? How do I get better?

I went to my doctor at school ( it is more like a clinic) and the doctor isn't concerned so I have been told I cannot see the derm for months. Obviously this is driving me insane. They haven't even given me a date yet...

Please help if you can.. with any tips or ways to make me think rationally.


Lilly xx

30-04-18, 19:16
Lilly, you sound so much like me it’s insane! Do you have a photo of your mole? I’m an ex-nurse and melanoma obsessed, so I’ll give you my opinion if you want it? However, modular melanoma is pretty distinctive so I really doubt it is something that would be misdiagnosed! Maybe you should think about trying anxiety meds or councilling? Sounds like you really need a break from all this turmoil in your head!

30-04-18, 19:52
I private messaged you and would really appreciate your feedback :(

30-04-18, 19:55
Just my opinion, but it seems like you’re very hung up on the dermatologist aspect. Sure, it’s good to checked our. But GPS are absolutely trained to examine skin and detect concerning moles. If you had anything concerning, they would have gotten you in a lot sooner. It honestly sounds more like a make you feel better referral.