View Full Version : Fibromyalgia

30-04-18, 19:09
Alright, anyone on here who has Fibromyalgia and wouldn't mind talking to me about it?
I have had Fibro for a while now and I guess I am just going through a really bad time and would love someone who understands what it is like, to talk to.

30-04-18, 19:18
Hiya Roseessa and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

01-05-18, 08:48

I don't personally suffer with FM but my Mumma does & it's an awful thing to live with.. been through it all with her. There's so much to it.
How long have you had it?

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03-05-18, 16:42
Hi Missb88,
I have been suffering from chronic pain for nearly 10 years but they only diagnosed with fibromyalgia in October even though I have been suffering from symptoms for all those years.
How is your mum? How long has she been suffering from fibro for?

03-05-18, 17:01
Hi Roseessa, I have suffered from fibro for many years and have several accompanying conditions such as costchondritis and mild ibs. The fibromyalgia is ever present but on a bearable level but every s often a flare arises and I can be in and out of bed for days .. this has usually a trigger occurring several days prior ie over exertion, getting chilled or standing in cold wind, even acute anxiety can set things off on a downward spiral. On the whole however it has not disrupted life too much .. just now and again and learning to live with a certain degree of pain on a daily basis. Hope this helps.. take care x

03-05-18, 17:20
Hi Missb88,
I have been suffering from chronic pain for nearly 10 years but they only diagnosed with fibromyalgia in October even though I have been suffering from symptoms for all those years.
How is your mum? How long has she been suffering from fibro for?

Hey Roseesa,

Sorry to hear you've been dealing with the pain for that long period of time.

My mum has also been a long time suffering, she was diagnosed around 2 years ago now.

She always says she.. "has good days, then her bad days"

She tends to get really frustrated with herself if she can't manage to do something, always telling her 'it's not her' it's the FM.
On a number of different medications, it's hard though isn't it, cause as you know there is no cure .. it just helps make it kind of manageable.

Not being rude, but, do you do any exercises? They're always telling my mum to do exercises but she says she's in too much pain to do them. Although she will force herself to try sometimes plus she never stops with housework/diy/gardening if she can, until she gets to the point of..
'I just can't take anymore'

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08-05-18, 20:35
Hi Missb88,
Yeah, I'm on morphine for the pain due to how painful it is as well as some others.
I try to do some but it is really painful, I have been told to do swimming as its good for you and easier on you.
I also try to do some yoga which can be very painful.
I am also trying to do my University degree at the same time which can be very interesting with the pills I am on.
Does your mum do swimming or something?

09-05-18, 06:59
Hey again,

Does the morphine seem to have helped improve the pain?
I may have to say to her about asking for it because some days She can't even make it out of bed.

Do you have chronic fatigue too?

Good on you, doing your degree I can't imagine things are easy trying to juggle FM & going to uni.

No, she hasn't been swimming but she did actually say to me a couple of days ago about looking into going swimming. So I've been looking at little health spas for her to go, instead of open public pools.

Even though it's painful to do, have you found the yoga to be beneficial?

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14-05-18, 14:18
Hi Again,
Sorry for not replying sooner been busy with University work.
Sometimes not all the time, however, I have been told the morphine patches are amazing even though I haven't been allowed to use them as they normally give them to older people so your mum might be able to get them.
Yes, I do have chronic fatigue as well as other health problems.
Yeah doing my degree is very difficult due to pain and being tired a lot, even though I can't sleep due to pain so I am on sleeping pills.
That's a good idea, little health spas would be great for her. Swimming and jacuzzi.
Yes, I do find it helpful which is why even though I am in pain I continue doing Yoga.
I don't feel comfortable doing a yoga class at times so I bought a yoga DVD or go to youtube and look up yoga and do it at home.

18-05-18, 18:52
Aah brilliant, thank you. I'll have to say to her about the patches for her next appointment, she's (47) a golden olden lol so like you said, may give them to her.

Well done for not letting it stop you living and achieving in life😊