View Full Version : Brace yourselves (media fear mongering)

30-04-18, 19:43
This post is aimed for those of you who found some comfort in the previous "Nuclear War anxiety" forum post few weeks back.

I figured I would get this in first before seeing another forum post in the coming weeks.

So where are we now... if you have read the aforementioned post this will compliment the points made therein.

So... Syria for the most part has completely calmed down. North Korea is showing massive promise so what does all this mean exactly? What now?

Well unfortunately people it won't last. I say this not to compliment your fears and anxiety but rather to prepare you and hopefully reassure you that next time something happens, just remember that we are still here.

So why am I writing this rather vague post - because people, the media are now searching for a target. Some of you may or may not have read as its not been widely published, but since North Korea has began peace talks / withdrawing from Nuclear testing, US stocks in arms companies has plummeted massively.

This will not sit well and therefore a new target needs to be found. Right on cue, the media comes forth with Iran and previously unfound proof of their Nuclear testing / ambitions. Suspicious timing much a?

I dont mean to sound like a sonspiracy theorist as I really am not. What I am however is interested in all the facts not those pushed out by the mainstream media.

So in summary: Be prepared people as the next coming weeks 'something' will happen. Either another strike on Syria or some escalation / aggression towards Iran. The stock market needs to recover from this de-escalation so something WILL happen. What NEEDs to happen is how you react to it. Please just remember that the wheels continue to turn regardless of your thoughts on the matter, no one wants WW3 but they do want people to fear this so we buy more. Did anyone happen to notice petrol prices increased when the Syria / WW3 fear was a few weeks ago?

Anyway I will leave this here, I just thought maybe if I predicted it (and I may very well be wrong) people would see it coming and not react as they did previously with N.Korea and Syria... both forum posts in which I tried my best to alleviate some of the anxiety.

01-05-18, 02:07

Did you see the picture of them holding hands? It just needed a beach and some romantic music! :roflmao:

01-05-18, 13:29
Thank you Nathan.

01-05-18, 13:35
A very proactive post Nathan - and makes a lot of sense.

01-05-18, 18:59
I just hope its of some interest, upon reflection however I think I am been a little over dramatic. I doubt anything regarding Syria will happen but the timing of this Iran thing stinks!

Anyway if my prediction holds true, I take paypal for lottery numbers people haha !

01-05-18, 19:08
At the very least you have warned people to expect more 'scary news' whatever that may be. A lot of people (not me personally) get very anxious about worrying things in the media.

01-05-18, 19:24
When the Ukraine incident happened, people were concerned (myself included).

Syria first kicked off - same.

Turkey shooting jet down - same.

North Korea - same.

Syria again - same.

Anxiety statistics have increased exponentially this last decade or so, I think everyone is either anxious in some form or other or knows someone who is.

Where does all this stem from? In my opinion, the News / Internet.

People prior to this was fed the headlines at 10pm every night and anything beyond this was in a paper. Now, its shoved in your face every opportunity. Something bad happens, the World is informed within ten minutes and before all the facts are acquired.

Marketing pays on site traffic and raises huge revenue. This then leads to sensational headlines to drive traffic or "clicks". These headlines do not need to be accurate, they just need to drive interest be it fear or genuine interest. This raises revenue to the site via advertised banners.

Unfortunately, these sites don't give a rats a** that this then drives massive anxiety and discomfort in people. Who then spend their life living in fear, which the media then feed off to repeat the cycle.

07-05-18, 11:38
I honestly think nuclear war is very unlikely. Are you mostly worried about your personal safety from nuclear war? Because even if there's one nuclear war, Britain won't be actively involved in it(because it'll most likely involve North Korea or the Middle East with US/Russia/China). OR are you more worried about just any nuclear war in general regardless of your personal safety from it?

10-05-18, 19:16
I honestly think nuclear war is very unlikely. Are you mostly worried about your personal safety from nuclear war? Because even if there's one nuclear war, Britain won't be actively involved in it(because it'll most likely involve North Korea or the Middle East with US/Russia/China). OR are you more worried about just any nuclear war in general regardless of your personal safety from it?

I am not sure if your comment is aimed at me but answering in case it is.

I personally am not concerned in the slightest regarding WW3.

I wrote this post to pre-emptively reassure people the next time the fear monger machine that is the media kicks in.

Sure as I predicted, 10 days later we are now been flooded with Iran threat that needs dealing with resulting in escalation between the west and Iran.

This has nothing to do with Korea / Syria settling down and US arms stock prices taking a tumble as a result obviously... *note sarcasm*.