View Full Version : Worried over chest pain

Clydesdale Epona
30-04-18, 21:26
I'm terrified of this pain i have in my left breast, it's really achey and quite painful, I'd put it at 6/10 on a particularly painful throb/burn sensation.

I'm hoping its because i ate two curry based things today but i'm terrified.

I'm asthmatic, 17, perfect BMI, i do exercise (have everyday) and i don't smoke or drink. I'm really hoping its bot a heart attack or the start of one but what are my chances? I'm really worried which is making it worse :/

01-05-18, 00:15
You’re only 17 so the good news is that it’s super unlikely it’s a heart attack. I’ve also heard that heart attack symptoms are pretty apparent - like cold sweats, jaw pain, chest pressure, arm pain, nausea, dizziness and losing consciousness.

It sounds more like heartburn or indigestion.

I’ve has several different chest pains over the years and none have actually turned out to be heart attack.
Maybe sometimes our bodies are just meant to ache.

17-05-18, 18:52
I get pain in my left breast sometimes, for me I think its anxiety and or due to bad posture, I know when I first got diagnosed with anxiety my whole left side, hurt under my left breast and down my side. 50 percent of women that have heartattacks, report no chest pain the first symptom that all women report is breaking out in a cold sweat like they ran a marathon, also shortness of breath as if they ran a marathon, feeling of doom or like something is going to happen, flu like symptoms, stomach pain, pain between shoulders and neck, intense pain like someone hit them with a sledgehammer, nausea, vomiting, pain in right arm, numbness and tingling in arms, center chest feeling full or tight as if someone is squeezing them with a rope oh and extreme fatigue like you can walk to the bathroom or tie your shoe with out getting really tired, heavy feeling in arms and legs.