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View Full Version : Anxiety over rusty nail?

01-05-18, 00:43
So I was building a fence and when taking down the old one I don't know if it was a piece of wood or nail that gave me a little cut but I'm freaking out about it, I called my doctor to see when the last time I got my shot but there busy so did let pick up, I'm 20 now I'm sure my doctor would have told me the last time I was in that I was due for one right? Any help would be appreciated

01-05-18, 04:18
For a tetanus shot, they are usually good for 10 years once administered.

01-05-18, 10:18
You'll be fine, I think tetanus is given at 15? I haven't had one for 15 years and I've scraped myself on lemon thorns, rose thorns, dirty needles - for sewing... and I'm always fine!

Alisha Fearer
01-05-18, 14:01
I知 sure you値l be fine. Just because you cut yourself on some dirty or rusty object doesn稚 automatically mean you値l get tetanus. I have to keep telling myself this because when I cut myself on something dirty or get scratched by my dog, I always fear getting tetanus and research it like crazy, scaring the crap out of myself.

In fact, I cut myself not too long ago on a sharp metal door latch inside my own home and freaked because it was dirty (there was black stuff coming off of it and it looked weird.) I ran through the doorway playing around and my arm hit the latch that was sticking out and it scraped down into my skin really hard, it痴 hard to explain how it happened. But basically, my arm was bleeding badly and there was a nasty gash there. Well I was convinced I was going to get tetanus so I was scared stiff for over a week waiting for symptoms but it never happened :yesyes: So I understand 100% your fear, but most likely you値l be fine. It is deep, visibly dirty puncture wounds that are considered most high risk for tetanus, not little cuts or scrapes.

03-05-18, 00:52
I知 sure you値l be fine. Just because you cut yourself on some dirty or rusty object doesn稚 automatically mean you値l get tetanus. I have to keep telling myself this because when I cut myself on something dirty or get scratched by my dog, I always fear getting tetanus and research it like crazy, scaring the crap out of myself.

In fact, I cut myself not too long ago on a sharp metal door latch inside my own home and freaked because it was dirty (there was black stuff coming off of it and it looked weird.) I ran through the doorway playing around and my arm hit the latch that was sticking out and it scraped down into my skin really hard, it痴 hard to explain how it happened. But basically, my arm was bleeding badly and there was a nasty gash there. Well I was convinced I was going to get tetanus so I was scared stiff for over a week waiting for symptoms but it never happened :yesyes: So I understand 100% your fear, but most likely you値l be fine. It is deep, visibly dirty puncture wounds that are considered most high risk for tetanus, not little cuts or scrapes.
Thank you! I went and got a shot just to be safe and it turns out I haven't got one since 2003 so everything is okay now !