View Full Version : Health Anxiety and Other Mental health issues

01-05-18, 00:44

So, I'm not sure where to post this but I've decide to keep like a update of all of my on-goings. So since July last year I've been over come with health anxiety as well as a mixture of other mental health issues. I've still got some on going tests (stomach issues) but I'm sure at this stage if they had found something serious at this stage! In any part of my body, blood cancers, prancers, bowl etc cancers. Heart worries, dizziness etc. The list is too long!

I've started yoga classes and CBT seems to be going well. I'm trying to go out more and just enjoy myself with friends and family! Not just sit in worry and pain all the time. I've had my down days but tonight my therapist told me she's notice a big improve in me since July and that really brought me up! Like the other day I manged to talk myself out of a freak out (I found a dark slightly mi shaped freckle mole at the top of the back of my leg that I never noticed) and I talked myself down from now thinking I have skin cancer. Which I'm very proud of myself for silly or not.

I've started to go on a up, like I still have moments of worry about all these different health issues (And other mental health stuff) but hearing my gp (who's been wonder and I'm lucky to have), therpist and family/friends say I've been doing better and seem more happy and calm is really something! Hopefully this is the start of something good. I know there will be bad day's but growth is uneven sometimes! Saying that I could be here in a few weeks worrying about another health complaint but I hope not.

01-05-18, 01:29
Congrats! That's a great sign of improvement, since your therapist would only tell you that if you were making progress. More sunny days ahead!

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01-05-18, 02:06
Well done :yesyes::yahoo:

It's good to hear your therapist has noticed this too. If they are seeing improvements then externally we are appearing different too.

Blips come & go throughout recovery and they can be demoralising but you do start to manage them better as you become more used to these setbacks. As a recovered member on here used to say, recovery is a smooth curve as long as you are progressing that's all that matters not the speed.

12-07-18, 23:52
Wow, reading back over this...I'm in such a different headspace again. I've somewhere gotten back to the place of worry, especially about my heart once again, as well as some strange dizziness and feeling totally zoned out. Even though I've had a few tests done a few months back. I suppose it's disappointing and I've express this to my therapist.

I want to go running to the hospital 24/7 yet I don't let myself do that. I've talked to my therapist about this. I haven't been to the doctor since start of March. I say I'm worried something is now wrong and I messed everything up. She said it's normal to face a slum like this. It's how we get out of it. That I may have slipped here but I'm doing so much better in other ways. I read over a load of my old posts tonight, seeing what I used to worry about. Times I had forgotten about. Thing's that have come back- thing's I worry about to come. It's interesting to see.