View Full Version : I physically can't just ignore it

01-05-18, 02:16
So my fear for the last year or so has been tonsil cancer. I've always had a long growth off my tonsil, and through the eyes of HA, it's terrifying--it's growing, it's changing, etc. I also have tonsil stones, so I'm regularly poking around in the back of my mouth, particularly on one side. Then that part is red, and that part looks irritated, and that part is inflamed. I'm really struggling with having to face these symptoms so often, and I'm not sure how to proceed. Has anyone experienced that, and what did you do?

01-05-18, 03:17
Not exactly the same thing, but in December 2016 I had a tonsillectomy because my right tonsil had been swollen for a year. I thought nothing of ot until I read about tonsil c. I ran to my ENT and he agreed to remove it but he wasn't worried at all. Had it out and it cane back as I had chronic tonsillitis.

01-05-18, 04:01
Thank you, Leslie! That sounds like a wise course of action, and I'm so glad it worked out for you! Unfortunately, I'm one of those that is doctor avoidant. I hate and dread and fear going to the doctor, because it's inevitable that they're going to confirm what I already knew (i.e. I have cancer). It's something I'm working on, but probably not fast enough to zoom off to an ENT. But still, I can perhaps ease my way into it? It's another thing on the "I need mental help for this" list. :)