View Full Version : Lump on back of neck. Cancer worries

01-05-18, 03:42

So I went to the doctor about the worrying lump/pain in nylon collarbone area and she didn't seem worried. Yet I'm already on the worry train. Today I was rubbing the back of my neck as it was stiff from work and I felt like a weird/hard(mass/lump/extra museles. I'm not even sure. It just doesn't seem right and it not like the other side. Not moving at all.) I panicked of course and I've been poking atit and googling all evening (foolish I know). Like it's easier to feel it when my head it turned certain aways but you can always smi feel it. The doctor felt all around my neck area (I think she checked the back. I'm so worried I can't remember.) Like surely she would have felt something there even if my head wasn't turn a cetinje way if it is something serious? I'm Judy freaking out now. It's like in that area when your neck pops out when you turn your head. At the very top of that expanded area. It's so scary to me but I can't keep going back as I was there just like Tuesday. I'm so upset right. Like I can't even say it. I know no one is a doctor here but I'm just looking to see if anyone thinks I'm right in hoping she would have noticed it no matter how small or the position of my head?

01-05-18, 04:17
You said she didn't seem worried. I'm pretty sure if there was anything even remotely out of the ordinary she would look into it. So find peace in that. It seems that you recognize your thinking is slightly obsessive. I know it's easier said than done. But take a deep breath and accept it as nothing more than your anxiety taking over.

01-05-18, 10:07
I get this - it's muscle - it's on either side of your neck and dependant on how you move your neck you can feel it - does that sound like it?

01-05-18, 16:19
I get this - it's muscle - it's on either side of your neck and dependant on how you move your neck you can feel it - does that sound like it?

I would like to say it's muscle? Like it budgles out both sides when I turn my head but on the right side it budgles out more and at the top there like a lump that isn't on the other side. I attacked photos to give a idea of the area. Like its hard to say the extaxt area.I just got myself checked for like lumps and I think she looked there? It feels moveable sometimes but I'm trying not to touch it. I asked my Mam to feel it earlier and she just great annoyed and poked at it quickly and said it's fine. I know she's propably right but with exams and stuff I'm just a little on edge and I don't want to go back so soon you know. Foolish today I read loads about lumps on necks- I didn't learn my mistake from last night. I know my liver is health from other tests and my totally blood count is okay. I'm dealing with a lot of exhaustion and fatigue but I'm not a great sleeper at the best of times. I've also been getting a lot of headaches but I'm hoping that's down to my sinus issues. Sorry for ranting. Like maybe it's just a fatty pocket as well becauseI do carry some extra weight.Like I have had pain all long that area of my neck/jaw/teeth etc but I didn't until I noticed the lump. It propably me poking at it or just stressing but you can't not worry.

01-05-18, 17:33
but you can't not worry.

Why? :shrug: Nothing you describe sounds concerning in the least and can be attributed to tense muscles.

Positive thoughts

01-05-18, 22:21
Hey I too had this and apparently it's called a lymph node but anyway the doctors reassured me it's nothing to be worried about and although it literally took ages to go it eventually went

01-05-18, 23:09
Hello, i actually have one in the same exact place as you do.
I'm going for an ultrasound next week, it's most likely nothing bad, my doctor also told me not to worry.

02-05-18, 00:21
Thank you all for replying! It means a lot. Like I know deep down its propably nothing. I manged to stop myself from touching it the rest of the night but I just touched it there. It feels different every time? Like now it feels more like a lump but kinda move able? Like it changes in feelings and stuff. Like of course the area hurt becauseI dug at it and I'm thinking about it. You're all probably right and I don't mean to be like "rude" or not listening. It means everything you replied! Thank you so much ❤❤❤

02-05-18, 15:30
Can I just say again, how thankful I am for all of your support and replys. I manged to allowed myself to feel out the area just once this morning (still a lump that moves and felt better at certain head positions). My neck and shoulder area is also really stiff but that's propably from worry and all that stuff. I put some cream on the area the doctor had given me for area that she said was inflamed when I thought it was a lump. You're all right and it's probably nothing and I'll try to keep a positive head space and just leave the area alone! Thank you all again for the replies.

03-05-18, 01:23
Just wanna say I also have this. On my right side, if I turn my head to the left there seems to be a hard bump that bulges out in the exact area you describe.

I'm not sure if I should be concerned about it or not as I've had a lot of strange symptoms over the past year including some wooziness. I noticed it 6 months ago and have tried not to worry about it as I don't seem to have any alarming symptoms along with it but it is unusual.

I may get it checked out.

03-05-18, 22:52
I decided to keep this all in once place. I manged to stop myself along from touching the lump for the most of today. I touched around this evening and it's the same lump area. My neck has been awful sworeband stiff but that's propbaly nothing. I've also been getting intsense pressure like headaches and jaw/teeth/nose/teeth/ears etc pain. Like I get these werid moments where my head feels so pressured and shaking but I suffer from sinus so I hope its all connected to that some how. Good luck to the rest of you with your rests!! Thank you again for taking the time to reply ����

06-05-18, 23:54
So! I'm just keeping all the notes here rather than starting new posts about the same thing! I've manged to go a few days without poking at the lump! Which I'm kinda proud of. Everything I went to poke at it, I would say to myself you're only going to make it worse and physical make myself put my hand down. I'm still having like bad headache, neck stiffness etc but I'm going to believe and trust in the fact for now it's nothing to serious! Just a mixture of a few different issues all coming together at once and I will survive! I hope you're all well :D:)

11-05-18, 01:35
So! It's been four days since my last update on this. I manged to mainly stay clear of my neck. Even though it was very stiff and all that stuff I already talked about. I finally let myself touch again today- and it hard to say? I haven't felt it in so long I can't remeneber what it was like. Like it does feel bigger and more sinister than before but that's more likely a issue in my mind because I can't fill in the details. There isn't like anything bumping out of my neck. Like the thing is with having anxiety (along other control issues with mental health) of course my mind is going to remeneber it worse?

I'll keep my hands off it another few days. Trying to stay positive! I don't want to keep going back to the doctor whenever I have a worry. Like I think sometimes part of my issue is that I always go running back and I need to work on my anxiety more. Like I had a health blood count back in February and surely like thing's couldn't change that quickly? I hope you're all well

11-05-18, 07:10
I don't want to keep going back to the doctor whenever I have a worry. Like I think sometimes part of my issue is that I always go running back and I need to work on my anxiety more. Like I had a health blood count back in February and surely like thing's couldn't change that quickly?

You are, on your own, starting some very good practices for dealing with your fears, its quite unusual on this forum to see people do that on their own bat. You also have very quickly started thinking in ways that reassure yourself. Good work !

11-05-18, 17:03
You are, on your own, starting some very good practices for dealing with your fears, its quite unusual on this forum to see people do that on their own bat. You also have very quickly started thinking in ways that reassure yourself. Good work !

Well I wouldn't say it's on my own! I have been going to therapy for awhile now and she's been slowly helping me around this issue! Like I hope I can just move forward. Like I'm trying to keep my hands off! Poking isn't going to help anything. Like when I felt it last night, the panicked when I felt it of course you always think of something sinister. Like I was at my doctor about a little over two weeks ago and she felt around my neck/collarbone area and asked me a lot of questions about my physical health but she seemed happy. She's a good doctor, she's been very good to me. I know if she found anything she would have been honest like she had been all along. So it's about trying to change my own trail of thought!

---------- Post added at 17:03 ---------- Previous post was at 14:10 ----------

Well I wouldn't say it's on my own! I have been going to therapy for awhile now and she's been slowly helping me around this issue! Like I hope I can just move forward. Like I'm trying to keep my hands off! Poking isn't going to help anything. Like when I felt it last night, the panicked when I felt it of course you always think of something sinister. Like I was at my doctor about a little over two weeks ago and she felt around my neck/collarbone area and asked me a lot of questions about my physical health but she seemed happy. She's a good doctor, she's been very good to me. I know if she found anything she would have been honest like she had been all along. So it's about trying to change my own trail of thought!

I was just thinking to add to this. Surely like I've had so many tests they would have noticed something? Not like cancer outright but something funky. Like surely if it was a tumor/something with lymphoma it wouldn't be able to be felt better when I have my head at certain positions or something I actually have to dig about to remember where it was? I'm just trying to reason with myself here. Like I was at the doctor like I said recently. Surely nothing that sister could have pop up that quickly and she would have been able to feel it no what position my head was in.

12-05-18, 00:56
When re-reading over my own thread, I looked down at the other recommended stories. Reading through a few (I shouldn't have but I thought I would comment and share the positive) and I saw someone who had all the exact same issues as me and they did turn out to have Lymphoma or some type of bone caner. I know I shouldn't compare cases and cases but this has but me on edge. Like users have said before, very few people have actually have these issues turn out to be something sinister but it's put me on more alert now. Like I'm stopping myself from touching it because that isn't going to help anything. Yet the last time I did allow myself to touch it it did seem easier to find rather than just turning my head. Like I said before it's on my right hand side, I still get stiff neck and swore neck. My right side of my mouth feels strange when I open my mouth. A almost numb/fuzzy feeling in my cheek and chin as well as my cheek. The pain seem to have traveled upwards along my jaw/ear area which feels more swollen or something as the same with my ear where there is a lot of pressure. I get the strange tingling in my face, arm, legs. I'm probably just hyperaware now and over thinking it. I do keep this thread as a reminder to myself of how up and down I go.

12-05-18, 09:09
Where are these recommended stories - am I missing it - ? Ah, you know, just found it, and never knew that section was down there as I never scroll any further than the box for typing the reply in.

You've been checked and looked at, you've been tested. There is no evidence of anything untoward - AT ALL. You have a doctor/s who are listening to your symptoms and feeling and so on, they would know if further checks were needed. Yes, I've read his story, he was ill....some people will get ill and have these condition. However that is NOT YOU. You had good blood results, and you can't even really feel this lump thing anymore.

Don't undo your good work.

13-05-18, 01:33
Where are these recommended stories - am I missing it - ? Ah, you know, just found it, and never knew that section was down there as I never scroll any further than the box for typing the reply in.

You've been checked and looked at, you've been tested. There is no evidence of anything untoward - AT ALL. You have a doctor/s who are listening to your symptoms and feeling and so on, they would know if further checks were needed. Yes, I've read his story, he was ill....some people will get ill and have these condition. However that is NOT YOU. You had good blood results, and you can't even really feel this lump thing anymore.

Don't undo your good work.

I suppose I should thank you for keeping me right! Today I did my best to keep my mind off things. I went to visit my friend in another county and watched the eurovison final!Sadly on the bus, I did vomit. I think that was a mixture of the bumpy rid and not having eat anything (I also have stomach issues they are still looking into! They said they don't think it's anything serious so I'm beveling that and it was rather acid and I have acid reflex so blaming it on that! Maybe with a little anxiety also.) Sadly I wasn't able to keep any food down all day. Probably just s poorly stomach with some stuff mixed in and a few cramps but manageable!

I have a friend doing med and I must say I'm the most interesting cases his ever learned about with all these things wrong with me! He offered to feel my neck and I haven't touched it myself but I let him. He didn't seem that worried although he could feel something and said to just trust in my doctor and it was right to not going running everything something freaks me if it's without good reason.

So, trying to stay positive and not over think everything! Thank you again for replying again :hugs:

13-05-18, 08:36
well now i'm starting to get worried lol.

Does your bump move when you turn your head? Like I notice mine is more noticeable if I turn my head to the right and my bump is on the right side. 0

13-05-18, 21:57
well now i'm starting to get worried lol.

Does your bump move when you turn your head? Like I notice mine is more noticeable if I turn my head to the right and my bump is on the right side. 0

Like it's difficult for me to describe the lump itself? Like it seems different every time I touch it. Like my Mam was putting some cream on the area tonight when I had my head forward and she said she couldn't notice anything. Like I do have issues with my stomach so that's probably it's own issue that just happening at the same time! Like I was at work tonight and my neck was aching but that could be from that way I have to lean over a sink to clean and of course me thinking about it so much.

14-05-18, 17:09
For the last few days, the pain in the area of the lump tends to come and go. Like my Mam put cream on the area last night and she said she didn't notice anything. Like surely if it was anything that bad she would have felt it right away and the area it was rather swore and tender. So I'm hoping it's mainly muscle as this had been going on for about little over two weeks now. I've gotten a swore throat over the last few days, as well at the strange full/block feeling on the same side as the lump (light hand side). I'm trying to stay calm and say it's just some type of normal and not at all sinister.

I've also had a lot of stomach pain and all that bad stuff since the bus ride of Saturday but I've had a CT and Ultrasound done in the last few months so I'm reminding myself it's nothing too serious and just a bad flare up.

I'm flying to Leeds on Friday and I just want to feel better and be able to enjoy it.